➣ 11 :: 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘛 𝘖𝘍 𝘔𝘌

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it was a long day since seonghwa came home, he came back after evening, as yeosang was in the kitchen and didn't hear the sound of the door open.

seonghwa made his way to one of the couches as he leaned back on it, closing his eyes after an exhausting day at the club once again, his friends talking about his adorable yeosang is and how he will end up falling for him, even tho he will not, never.

yeosang came out of the kitchen as he saw seonghwa's state, he slowly walked up to the elder, "a-are you hungry?" Yeosang mumbled.

seonghwa opened his eyes as he saw yeosang, his lips in a thin line as if he was waiting for a respond, "im not hungry." Seonghwa closed his eyes again.

"o-okay, there's food in the refrigerator so if you want it, tell me." yeosang turned around and walked upstairs hastily, seonghwa opened his eyes and sighed, overthinking why he had even accepted this marriage, after a while, he stood straight on the couch, "it's now or never." he stood up and walked upstairs to him and yeosang's shared bedroom, as he opened the door and saw the boy looking out the window, staring at the stars.

seonghwa sighed after a few seconds as he made his way towards the younger, "can we talk?" yeosang turned around and saw seonghwa licking his lips.

"s-sure" he stood in front of him.

"look, we uh...we married. and you see, we can't live like this forever, how bout we rethink this decision? you know, the thing is we don't like each other." yeosang looked away, having expected the older to talk about this situation again.

"what do you say? after my parents come back from the trip, we can talk to my father and we can settle this out once and for all. then we can divorce......and....you see! you can stay in the house...as my cousin! and we could be great friends! so what do you say?" seonghwa asked with big hopes in his eyes.

yeosang, still not looking at the older, "no." was all what came out of his mouth.

seonghwa's eyes darkened, "what do you mean no? so you're saying you're happy that you married me? that we married?!" he almost growled when he sighed and put his hand on his eyes, "look, I'm trying to fix everything, so why don't you just help me? why are you so stubborn?" he asked calmly, but his eyes darkened once again when he got no response from the younger, what made him angrier was yeosang wasn't even looking at him the whole time.

"your silence is going to kill me one day." seonghwa sighed, "you didn't even consider if I liked boys, are you even gay?!" but still the younger remained silent, he cleared his throat, "listen, let me tell you one thing, this marriage is only based on some stupid papers, in real life, you are not my husband! you understand my point?! in this house, you are the groom of my father, never my husband! I'll never see you as my husband, understood?! so dream of it! I'm going to divorce once my father comes back! so get that through your head! " he turned around and walked outside slamming the door shut with power as yeosang flinched, a tear escaped his eye.

after a few seconds, yeosang sat down on the bed and wiped away his tears, "please give me strength, god, please, don't leave me alone."


it was a few hours pass and seonghwa felt an extremely bad headache, as he was almost passing out. yeosang came downstairs to go the yard when he saw seonghwa having his hands on his head, which was an attempt for him to cure the pain. yeosang immediately knew that he had a headache, as he walked up to kitchen and got some painkillers and a glass of water, he placed them on a tray and he returned to the living room, seeing seonghwa grabbing his head harshly.

"are you having a headache? did you drink too much?" yeosang got on his knees as he placed the tray on the table, waiting for seonghwa to answer.

"I don't need that, take it away." seonghwa said angrily as he was trying to stop his anger but it only got worse when the younger spoke up again.

"but you need it! your head is going to hurt more!"

seonghwa rolled his eyes as he managed to stand up, turning around and walking away. yeosang picked up the tray and followed behind him, "wait! you need to take this pill!"

"I said I don't need it!" seonghwa turned around, he yelled making the younger flinch but still the younger insisted.

"but you need to take them or-" seonghwa threw the tray away to the floor with strength on yeosang's hands, making him flinch as he never expected that. the glass fell and shattered to pieces, as yeosang looked down when the older growled once again.

"just stop! stop acting like you are my husband because I'm not! It's annoying! I told you already! you are not my husband! I don't fucking need your help, I don't want your help! so stop acting the victim! you are a demon in human form, stop acting like you care about me when you only have married for me for my money! you think doing this for me will make me love you?! no! I'll never love you! never! now shut up!" seonghwa yelled at his face as he made the younger flinch with every word he said, as he turned around and walked upstairs angrily, smashing the door hardly that it made the younger flinch once again.

yeosang felt like a lost puppy in the forest not knowing what to do or where to go ; he felt like a diamond that was shattered to pieces just like the pieces of the glass that were on the floor, and the pills that were everywhere on the floor.

he sobbed as he slowly got on his knees, collecting the glass pieces as he was too lost in thoughts, "ah!" one of the glasses cut the palm of his hand, as his tears got more and more by both the pain and the pain, the pain in his heart. after he collected everything, as he placed everything on the tray and made his way back to the kitchen.

'i can't give up. i just can't. what if i give up? no. i can't.'


seonghwa slammed the door shut making it almost break, as he angrily sat down as he overthought thinks. why was i so harsh? he was just trying to help me. wait, no. What help?! he only married me for my money! but I shouldn't have done that, guess I got to apologize to him. seonghwa tilted his head as his anger was slowly going away, "I'm such a jerk. why did I do that?!" he sighed, "I'll apologize to him tomorrow." and with that, he drifted off to sleep.

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