➣ 26 :: 𝙋𝙊𝙆𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝘼𝘾𝙀

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seonghwa woke up in the morning, he sighed dramatically as his thoughts immediately made their way to the one and only, yeosang.

"why can't you get out of my head." he mumbled to himself as he stretched out, he yawned and got out of the bed. he went to the bathroom and after fifteen minutes he got dressed and got out of the room, making his way downstairs.

"nana, is breakfast ready?" He asked as he put on his watch.

"yes mr.park, it's ready, everyone's at the table." seonghwa hummed and turmed his head to the table. Of course, yeosang wasn't there. "nana, where is he?"

nana shifted and turned around, "he's in the yard mr.park."

seonghwa hummed, "has he eaten breakfast?" nana nodded with a smile, "okay then." Seonghwa smiled and nana nodded, turning around and making his way to the kitchen as seonghwa sat down at the table.

"Good morning." He said as he sat down.

"Good morning." Everyone said in sync.

"seonghwa, are you going to go to company today?" sehun asked as he put the fork down.

seonghwa took a sip of water before answering, "I don't think so, since the meetings have been cancelled for the next week. I'll go to the others, I think I'll visit the company late in the evening."

sehun nodded, "okay, if you go, there are some papers on my desk, please bring them home." seonghwa hummed and sehun smiled.

"okay, I'll go now." Seonghwa stood up.

"but you didn't eat any-"

"I cant eat really, mom, you guys continue." he nodded and stood up from the table, making his way outside to his car.

when he got outside, he made his way to his car but stopped on tracks when he saw yeosang in the yard, sitting on the same bench and casually looking at the sky and sometimes the grass, back against seonghwa. He took a good look at him before he made a step towards him, he balled his and in a fist while biting his bottom lip thinking if he should go up to him, but in the end, he approached the smaller. He stood beside him as it seemed like yeosang wasn't aware of his presence.

"can we... talk?" he asked when yeosang turned his head and looked at him, immediately looking away.

"no." he said almost immediately.

seonghwa huffed, "okay, I'll come back in the evening, and we'll talk." he turned around and quickly walked to his car, he started it and started driving. Yeosang turned his head and his eyes followed the car all the way to the street.


"I told you!" hongjoong smacked seonghwas head playfully when seonghwa was playing the billiard.

"how was I supposed to know?!" Seonghwa whined, "i even broke his phone!" hongjoong gasped.

"You did what?" He facepalmed himself, "seonghwa, you're right, you really lost your mind." he gritted his teeth, "are you not going to apologize to him?" seonghwa stopped playing and turned to look at him.

"I tried to, but he ignores me!" He sighed, "I don't think he'll ever forgive me."

"never say never, he's your husband after all, just apologize to him and buy him a new phone! It's that easy!" Hongjoong clapped his hands.

"but, what if he doesn't even wanna talk to me?" seonghwa took one of the balls and threw it to the other side of the room.

"seonghwa, are you sure you don't like him?" Seonghwa widened his eyes.

"of course I don't! where did you get this from?" seonghwa gritted his teeth.

"wooyoung told me you had carried him braided style to his room! And now you're thinking of a way to apologize! And not to mention the way you look at him." Seonghwa tilted his head, "like you are in love!" hongjoong yelled.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "that's not love. It's just pity." He shrugged and started playing again.

"I hope you are not tempting yourself." Hongjoong sighed as he leaned back on the wall, "one day you are going to be the one screaming over him." Seonghwa just rolled his eyes.

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