➣ 25 :: 𝘔𝘐𝘙𝘙𝘖𝘙𝘚

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After a few minutes, Nancy sighed and got out of her room, making her way upstairs to yeosang and seonghwa's 'shared' bedroom. She opened the door carefully not to disturb, And stood hesitantly for a few seconds, Taking a deep breath and finally managing to open the door to yeosang's room. yeosang turned his head and saw Nancy standing there with a sad look on her face, he blinked as he tilted his head slightly in a questioning manner.

"can we talk? it's important, please." She spoke of the two. yeosang nodded and stood up on the window edge, turning his whole body to her and waiting for her to speak. she waited for a few seconds before the sound of the door was heard, indicating someone has entered. yeosang looked at the door and saw seonghwa, as he just stood at the doorframe, a cold as stone look on his face.

Nancy turned her head and looked at seonghwa, she nodded as she took a deep breath, "i...i just didn't want to talk to my brother, I wanted both of you to be here."

"when did he come back?" yeosang asked.

"he... I called him, he was in company..." she fiddled with her fingers.

"Nancy, what is the situation? you do realize I had a meeting." seonghwa sighed as he watched the two. Yeosang fixated his gaze on Nancy waiting for her to talk.

"i...it was me... it was me who was in a relationship with soobin." She finally admitted, seonghwa widened his eyes as Nancy looked down, yeosang just said nothing and glared at seonghwa, then he turned his glare back at Nancy who still kept her gaze on the floor.

"what?" seonghwa asked in disbelief.

"that's right... it was me who sent the picture... i.. soobin is my boyfriend.. he asked for my picture and I sent him yeosang's picture, I really am sorry, yeosang..." she looked up with tears welling in her eyes, her bottom lip quivering.

seonghwa put his hand on his forehead massaging his temple while trying not to lose his temper, he closed his eyes for a brief second, then his hand upto his mouth as he let out a deep sigh, "why didn't you tell us sooner?" he asked after a good minute of silence.

"i-i was scared.. besides, he said he was gonna break up with me if I didn't send my pictures and i...i didn't know things will get to this point..." she stepped towards yeosang and held both of his hands, "yeosang, I am really sorry, please forgive me... I am really ashamed, I know what I did was wrong but I really want to make it up to you... please forgive me." tears started rolling down her cheeks as he squeezed yeosang's hands in hers, seonghwa just watched in silence with a sad expression on his face. "yeosang.. please forgive me... please..." at this point, she was begging, yeosang's expression changed from hurt to soft and he squeezed her hands.

"i just forgot about it." he smiled a little making seonghwa's heart flutter, Nancy bursted into a big smile as she wiped away the tears on her face.

"but what about the chats? what are you going to say about the laptop?" seonghwa asked as he walked closer to them.

"brother.. that laptop is mine." Seonghwa stared at her with big eyes, "and the texts, I sent them before." She sniffled a few times, "not believing me? Please give me the laptop." seonghwa quickly passed her the laptop and she opened it hastily, quickly going through the chats, "here, I wrote those ones." seonghwa and yeosang both lowered their heads to the laptop, focusing on the screen, She pointed one by one to the chats as seonghwa turned his head a little and looked at yeosang, their faces were only inches away, "and these. but I don't know about these recent ones." she turned off the laptop.

"but... what's your laptop doing here?" Seonghwa asked massaging his temple.

"i...i don't know..." She blinked unstoppingly, "will you guys forgive me?" she asked her eyes starting to get watery again, but before another tear escaped her eye, yeosang was quick to speak up.

"forget about it." he managed to give her a weak smile as she smiled fondly.

"you are such a good person yeosang." she nodded and yeosang flashed her a little smile, "please work this out, or I'm going to lock you two in the room until you guys won't work things out." she pointed her index finger at them and quickly left the room.

it was a great moment of silence before seonghwa spoke up. "i..i.. you see, I didn't-"

"I haven't forgotten the things you told me, nor will I ever. let's forget about this, and if we could not even talk at all." he cut the elder off with a calm tone, as he walked past him downstairs. Seonghwa just stood there dumbfounded, unable to even blink, as he balled his hands in fists.

"i have to apologize to him."

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