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"doctor! nurses! it's emergency!" the man shouted as yeosang quickly opened the car door and helped seonghwa up, wrapping one of seonghwa's arms around his shoulder, the other on his waist, supporting his weight.

"Doctor!" Yeosang shouted as he was trembling, he entered the hospital and started yelling for help. One of the doctors rushed to him.

"what happened?!" He asked scared.

"his name is seonghwa... he...he got shot, on the sleeve... and he lost blood, his temperature keeps increasing.. please save him." Yeosang said sobbing.

"nurses! come help him!" The Doctor yelled and some nurses made a crowd, "you can let go of him, we'll do everything." Yeosang nodded and some nurses carried seonghwa, putting him on a stretcher, rushing to a room when yeosang rubbed his eyes. sounds of the heartbeat monitors and the doctors shouting for nurses, making yeosang tremble.

"god, please, save him.... please...." yeosang got on his knees and started crying heavily, hearing all the shouts coming fro the doctors and nurses in the room.

"doctor, his heartbeat is very low!" One of the nurses told the doctor.

"it's just a shot in the sleeve, but he lost so much blood." The doctor bit his bottom lip, "quick, we need to do surgery for him, bullet removal." the doctor shouted.

it was about two hours during the bullet removal and it was a success. when the doctor finally noticed his heartbeat coming back to his normal state, he was still unconscious. the doctor nodded and got out of the room, yeosang immediately rushed to him.

"doctor, how is he?!" he asked panicked, the doctor looked at him for a few seconds.

"come with me." he said as he walked ahead of yeosang, yeosang turned around and followed behind him.

once they reached the doctor's room, he sat down on his chair and motioned for yeosang to sit down, yeosang nodded as he sat down. "May I ask you, are you a relative of the patient?" Yeosang nodded slowly, tears still forming in his eyes. "what's your name?"

"y-yeosang." the doctor hummed.

"mr.yeosang, he is in a very dangerous state, but somehow still managed to survive, he lost too much blood, but he still hasn't lost his strength throughout all of this. if he hadn't come here sooner, things could've happened." the doctor put down his glasses, "he's sleeping right now." yeosang sighed deeply in relief. "for now, all we could really do was do bullet removal surgery, he is going to heal by the time." The doctor smiled and yeosang wiped away his tears.

"thank you for everything." the doctor nodded.

"my pleasure." The doctor smiled, yeosang smiled once more before making his way towards the door.

"doctor" yeosang mumbled, he raised his head, "can I... see him?" The doctor flashed a smile before nodding, yeosang smiled brightly, "thank you." He nodded before he turned around, closing the door after himself.

yeosang quickly made his way towards the room seonghwa was in, as he opened the door, only to be greeted by a seonghwa sleeping peacefully on a bed, bandages wrapped around his sleeve perfectly. yeosang slowly approached him as he sat down on a chair beside him, looking at him.

hair silky and raven-black, eyes closed, mouth slightly parted, his lips plump and full, his eyelashes long. yeosang took in his features as he sniffled once more.

"What if something had happened to you?" yeosang fiddled with his fingers, "I wish you could know that I've been forced into this marriage." he sobbed lightly, "you know, you really are a great person." yeosang looked away, not realizing that seonghwa was slowly opening his eyes, "I think you are a really nice person internally, and you deserve to be happy, you care about the others. you did mistakes, everyone does, everything you did, I'll forget about it. I forgave you, for ev-" yeosang turned his head and shut up when he saw seonghwa looking at him, eyes half-lidded with a smile on his face.

"can i... have some water?" seonghwa asked, his voice raspy. Yeosang nodded quickly as he got up, returning back with a glass of water, seonghwa opened his eyes fully and stood up, sitting still, with a thin blanket over him. "ah" seonghwa lightly hissed in pain.

"here..drink it. Don't tire yourself." seonghwa looked at yeosang and nodded, stretching his hands, but his eyes widened when he realized that yeosang leaned closer, bringing the glass edge to his mouth, seonghwa looked at him before he opened his mouth, taking a sip. he lied back down on the bed from the little pain in his sleeve.

yeosang put the glass down on a table, as he turned his head back to seonghwa, "now that you are awake, I'm gonna go call on the doctor." yeosang stood up when seonghwa grabbed his wrist, he turned back and looked at him when seonghwa held his hand this time, making yeosang's throat go dry.

"don't go." seonghwa said as yeosang looked at him, their hands still on each other, yeosang nodded as he sat back down, returning the gesture by squeezing seonghwa's hand, to which seonghwa squeezed his tighter, yeosang brought up his other hand as he put it on the top of seonghwa's hand, seonghwa noticed it as smiled, both of them in their own little worlds, until the door cracked open and the two rapidly pulled away, looking at the door.

"mr.seonghwa.. I see you are awake." a new doctor flashed a big smile as he approached the bed, looking down at seonghwa, to which seonghwa smiled in return, nodding. "my name is doctor seokjin, I helped during the surgery fr your sleeve." Seonghwa nodded, "mr.seonghwa, you are really lucky that this young boy brought you here, or you wouldn't be here by now." seonghwa turned his head and looked at yeosang, who was fiddling with his fingers. "he seemed really scared, may I ask what he is to you?" seonghwa swallowed dry as he looked at yeosang once more.

"he's my husband." seonghwa said with a slight smile making yeosang bute his bottom lip.

"so that's why." The doctor smiled brightly, "you are starting to get better,you can go back home in another twenty minutes." The doctor flashed a smile before turning around and leaving.

"thank you." yeosang turned his head and looked at seonghwa, "for... saving my life." seonghwa nodded and reached for yeosang's hand, squeezing it.

yeosang looked down at their hands, then back at seonghwa, he nodded.

what is this?!?!I'm speechless

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what is this?!?!
I'm speechless...

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