The Move

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Today is the day. We are heading to Riverdale for a possible hunt and while we're they're my brothers enrolled me in a school called Riverdale High. My name is Adison Winchester and my brothers names are Dean and Sam Winchester. My father's name is John Winchester o as you guessed it but my mom is not Mary Winchester. My mother Rose actually died when she gave birth to me so the age gap between my brothers is about 10 years.

We get into the 67 Impala which by the way is the best car in history. I am not sure if i really want to go to this school but hey it said in the papers about Jason Blossoms death and i could do some investigating to see what the students know about him. That's part of the reason Dean and Sam want me to do while were in town and they want me to experience high school since i have been homeschool most of my life. One problem is i need to get new clothes because I'm pretty sure blood stain clothes will raise some questions.
"Hey, Dean, since I have to be tortured with school can i get some new clothes?" I said giving him puppy eyes..
Dean answers "sure kiddo we'll stop at the mall before we go to the trailer we're renting."
"Thanks Dean." Answer Adison.

So we go stop at the mall and we went to JC Penny, Macy's, Hot Topic, Ga[p, Holister, Aeropostale, Forever 21 and Payless. I ended up with jeans, sweatpants, leggings, a couple dresses, skirts, plaid shirts because I'm a Winchester t-shirts with band names, some other pattern shirts,  cardigan, sweatshirts, hoodies, a leather jacket, a couple of blac beanies, because i love hats, a pair of scandals, flats sneakers and of course my favorite pair of combat boots. Then we went to Walmart and I got school supplies, makeup, and i got my inhaler and migraine medicines refilled. We also picked up some groceries and other things that we would need.

After we were done we pulled into the driveway of the trailer. We go inside it's not bad compare to those old dingy motels that we stay in. But you get what your pay for unfortunately. The trailer has a kitchen, three bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room/dining room, and it already have beds put in so we should be good. home sweet home. After we were done putting everything away we decided we were hungry so we headed to a diner called "Pops" to get dinner.

When we got there i looked around the 50s style restaurant and i saw three teenagers sitting in a booth and I looked over and spotted another teen who looked super cute with jet black hair and wearing a beanie. So i look at Dean "i want a cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate shake and if they have pie that too."
"You are definitely related to Dean." Sam joked.
I flipped him off. "I'm going to say hi to that boy." My brothers nodded.
I walked over to him "Hey can i sit."
He looks up "Sure, you new?"
I sit "yup, what you writing?"
"working on a Novel about Jason Blossom's death." He said.
"You a writer?" I questioned.
He nodded.
"My brothers are investigating his death too. I am going too finish high school while were here too at Riverdale High." I answered.
"Oh, so we will be classmates." He answered. "Jughead Jones, III"
"Adison Winchester" i said. "Do you know those three."
"That's Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, and the other girl is new also" Jughead said.
"You know them pretty well?" I asked.
"Yeah, I grew up with Archie and Betty. But we kind of drifted a little since July 4th." Jughead said with hurt.
"What happened?" I asked then thought "you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I know you just met me"
"Adison, it's fine. No, Archie and i were suppose to go on a road trip but he bailed at the last minute. And as for Betty we drifted and not as close as we once were." Jughead said.
"Okay, I'm sorry." I said. Dean and Sam came over with our food. Thanks, guys."
"Can we sit." Dean asked.
Jughead nodded "so your Adison's brothers?"
"Yes, you hurt her I'll knock you into next week." Dean said being overprotective. I smacked Dean's head "Ow" he muttered. I rolled my eyes.
"Dean, really," i said. "Don't worry about them they're big soft teddy bears but when it comes to family watch out." I smiled.
Jughead put his hands up in surrender.
"I understand" Jughead said.
So, what's up with the beanie?" I asked as I took my fries and started  to dipped them in my shake. That's when Sam looked at me with his bitch face.
"What" i said annoyed.
"That's disgusting" Sam said.
"Says the one who is eating rabbit food in a diner that sells amazing burgers." I said sarcastically.
Jughead chuckled. Dean answers "She has a point."
Pointing at my milkshake, Jughead said "I never tried that before."
" go ahead do it." I said.
Jughead then reaches for a fry and dipped it in my shake and then he put it in his mouth and smiled "That is good"
"I know right" I answered. "Don't knock until you try it." Sam just rolls his eyes. "So back to my question, Beanie Boy. What's with the Beanie?"
"Well, got it when I was little from my sister. Never take it off." Jughead answered. "Basically like a lifeline"
I nodded. "Cool like a Winchester and they're flannels." He smiled at me as I did the same.
We finished eating and decided it was time to head out.
"See you at school." I said.
Jughead said "Sure. I'm about to head out too."
"Alright night." I said.
We went home and I went to get ready for bed. "I'm going to shower and get ready for bed." I say to my brothers."
"Make sure to save us some hot water." Dean answered.
"No promises" I said. Dean flipped me off which I gladly returned.
I go talk a shower. I washed and conditioned my hair. I then washed my body with my soap. I got out and did my skincare routine. Put on a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Then i set out my clothes and my school bag for tomorrow. I put all my school supplies together and put a few female products, my inhaler and migraine pain killers, chapstick and some other hunter stuff. I put a change of gym clothes, and another change of clothes just in case. Along with a wallet with some spare cash for emergencies. Then after i was completely done I went to say goodnight to my brothers.
"Hey, night guys. Im going to sleep." I said.
"Okay kiddo. Night. I love you." Dean said.
Sam said "love you Ady."
"Love ya guys too." I said with a smile.
I went to my bed and was out like a light.

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