My time (Tahani Al-Jamil)

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PROMPT: Tahani's wife is ready to go.

TGP SEASON 3 SPOILERS (I mean it's been almost a year soo)

WARNINGS: The game Tahani is playing, I've never played. Like ever, I've never seen anyone play the game. It's not amazing game play I'm describing. So gimme a chance

Y/n looked around at her party, helped thrown by Janet of course. The woman and all knowing entity, both had a smile on their face. A content smile, knowing what was to come.

"Alright, Janet." Y/n said, "Time to call them."

"Of course." Janet left with a beep. Y/n made her way towards the chair in the corner of the room and sat in it. Truly taking in the situation. After almost 3,102 Jeremy Bearimies Y/n was ready. It didn't feel too long ago that Jason went through the door. But his words, his feelings began to resonate with her. She couldn't help but remember the moment she felt the same.

Y/n was helping Tahani with one of her many tasks on her list. This time, the two do them decided to conquer NBA Jam. Neither woman really played games in their lives on Earth. One being an aristocrat who didn't have time for such games, and Y/n who simply just didn't play those types of games.

But with all the time in the universe, literally, why not try. Every time she'd try to make it, there would be something that would mess her up. But Y/n was always there with Tahani. On her side. Even if Y/n thought this was a slightly ridiculous thing ot have on her to-do list. She'd "train" everyday with Tahani if she had to. Because that's what Y/n wanted.

The two of them stood a meter away from the machine, Y/n's arms around Tahani's shoulder. She pressed kisses onto her shoulder.

"You got this. If Jason can defeat Maddon after 330,000 tries, you can beat this after 120,000 tries." Y/n turned her wife towards her, "Tahani Al Jamil. You raised billions for charity. You can do this." she pulled her in for one more kiss on the lips.

"You're right." Y/n turned her around once again, "Not to name drop,"

"Something tells me you're gonna do it anyways."

"As I once said to my best friend Meghan, it doesn't matter what she's a duchess of, let's go." Tahani walked towards the machine.

"Oh my god, I can't watch." Y/n put her hands up to her face, "But I really wanna." She made her way over towards her wife. "Just know, you're amazing and can do anything." Both women focused on the screen. Tahani looked on the screen and decided on her character. Y/n didn't pay attention to the small detail of who'd she be playing as. Y/n then watched as Tahani's game began. "Sorry, babe, but I can't watch." Y/n walked away, hands on her head.

Y/n paces back and forth for what feels like a half hour, when in reality, it wasn't even ten minutes. She listened to Tahani's groans of frustration and the occasional, yes, before suddenly the button mashing ended.

"I did it." Tahani said barely above a whisper, "I did it. Y/n, I did it!"

"You did?" Y/n made her way back to the machine and looked at the screen. Tahani's new high score illuminating their faces. "Babe, you did it." Y/n pulled Tahani in for a hug. "If you weren't almost six feet tall, I'd pick you up. I'm so proud of you."

Y/n couldn't explain why. But this moment, seeing her wife do what's considered such a small thing filled her with ease. a comfort. Almost as if, there was nothing else for her to do.

"Excuse me, dear." Y/n heard a british voice say,"Why did Janet ask me to come here?" Y/n turned around to see Tahani."Also why is it made up to look like a party?"

"Because it is." Y/n stood up before noticing Janet, Michael, Chidi and Eleanor. "Hey guys. Come on in."

"What is this?" Michael asks.

"It's my going away party."

"What?" Tahani asks. "When did you decide this?" Everyone took a seat, while Y/n and Tahani sat together in the loveseat.

"It happened when I helped you with NBA Jam." Y/n looked around at her family, "Jason put it best. The air outside was the same as the air inside. Like, suddenly, it truly felt like I was in the afterlife. Yeah, I've been dead this entire time, but now I'm ready."

"First, Jason now you." Chidi says, "It feels like every Jeremy Bearimy, someone's going away."

"Don't think about it as me going away. I guess think of it as, me going back into the universe. At least, that's how I like to think of it. But, I can't think of a better group of people who I'd rather spend my last days with than you. And giant squid in a human suit, as well as a not person."


The party had gone on without a hitch. The six party goers ate food Janet prepared, reminisced on the old days of being in the fake bad place and talking about how death for them has changed. How it gave life more meaning. Eventually, everyone trickled out of her home and it was just Tahani and Y/n. The two of them began cleaning up their mess in a comfortable silence.

"Tahani," Y/n said.


"What are you going to do when I'm gone?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you going to date again, do something with your death?"

"I am going to finish my list of course. And eventually, my parents will come to the good place. Then, one day I'll walk through the portal with you." Y/n walked over towards Tahani and grabbed her hand.

"I love you, so much. You've made my afterlife so much better. I never thought the person I'd spend thousands of Jeremy Bearimies with you. Such a beautiful and sophisticated woman, who'd learn that life isn't all just parties and charities, so you can be dressed in amazing dresses. Hell, Tahani, I saw you in a pair of overalls willingly. That's something I thought I'd only see in the fake good place. Not the real one. And I want you to come with me to the portal."

"Of course."


Y/n and Tahani walked hand in hand behind Janet through the forest. The three of them found themselves in front of the portal made of intertwined twigs. No one but the three of them around for miles.

Janet turned around and faced Y/n, "You can sit on that bench as long as you want. Whenever you're ready, just walk through." Y/n nodded at Janet's words.

"Can I get a hug? Before I leave." Y/n said, voice cracking. Y/n held her arms out to the not girl.

"Yeah," Janet made her way towards the woman and pulled her in for a hug.

"You're the best not a girl I've ever met." Y/n pulled back. "Can you leave the two of us?"

"Of course." Janet then disappeared into her void.

"Care to sit, darling?" Tahani said as she made her way towards it with Y/n behind.

"Can you believe this? I mean, think about it. You thought Jason was your soulmate the first go around. And then, the two of us get together. Who wouldn't thought?"

"No offense, but you're the last person I'd expect to be with."

"None, taken, babe.' Y/n one again, turned to Tahani, "Do what makes you feel fulfilled. Whether it be finishing your list, spending it with your parents or what, do it. Not just for you, but for us."

"I will." Y/n reached up towards Tahani and pulled her down for a kiss. "I don't know what is on the other side of the portal, but I hope it means I'll see you again."

"I hope so, too." With that, Y/n stood up and gingerly took her hand from Tahani's. Y/n then walked towards the portal, such clarity in her mind. Not knowing what'll happen, but knowing she'll end up in the beautiful cycle of the universe and the people she love are apart of it as well.

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