"Don't test me"

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REQUEST: Hi can I please request a Mazikeen x reader recently binge watch the whole show and need more of her in my life you and her are sparring together and you pin her down and accidentally discover she's really ticklish but she won't admit it till you torture her with it till she taps out and in this one you're a fellow demon please

"Ok, Trixie," Y/n said as she kneels down to the young girls' height, "I want you to know that Maze is going to get her butt kicked. But afterwards, Maze might murder me." Y/n looked behind her before turning back to her quickly, "And if this happens, you'll avenge me, right?"

Trixie quickly nods her head, "I'll do my job." y/n took the young girl's hand into hers' and leaned her head down to Trixie's so both of their foreheads were touching.

"Good," she said, "because if you didn't I'd have to haunt you. And we don't want that, do we?"Trixie shakes her head.

"Hey!" Maze calls from the other side of the gym, "Stop turning Trixie against me and get over here!" Y/n slowly stood up before turning to her girlfriend. Maze stood behind her, dawning a black sports bra and leggings with two bow staffs in her hands.

"I'm not turning her against you," Y/n said, waling towards Maze, "I'm just making sure she knows her role?" Y/n looked behind her and gave Trixie a quick head nod. "Ain't that right, Trix?" Trixie nodded to the demon. Maze handed Y/n one of the bow staffs. About six feet away, Maze got into a fighting stance, her legs bent and the bow staff in her hands, while Y/n got into the same position. "Don't worry, Mazikeen. I'll go easy on you." At Y/n's taunting Maze pounced.

Y/n barely had time before Maze's staff made contact with her's, almost knocking it out of her hand. Maze didn't let up on her attacks, her staff, almost like an extension of her body, didn't allow Y/n to get into an offensive position. Y/n cursed to herself silently.

"You got this, Y/n/n" Trixie called from her side of the gym.

Maze playfully scoffed, "I thought you were on my side?" Y/n noticed Maze's strike slow down when she talked to Trixie. Y/n took this chance to use her staff to sweep her feet from under, Y/n even managed to kick the staff from Maze's hand, landing close to Trixie.

"Yield!" Y/n leaned closer to Maze before whispering, "bitch."

"Was that necessary?"

"Yes, because there's a child here who doesn't need to learn new vocab from two demons." Y/n looked up at Trixie and smiled at her. While she was distracted Maze gripped the staff and pushed it, and Y/n to the side. Causing Y/n to fall on the ground. She then, took it and pushed it roughly to Y/n's neck, pinning her to the floor. "That was hot."

"I will break your neck,Y/n. Don't test me."

"Oh yeah."


"So if I do this?" Y/n said before poking Maze's side. "You'll do it? Or this?" This time Y/n managed to reach up to Maze's neck, the demon pushed her head to the side, stopping Y/n's hand.

"You better stop," Maze said, laughing as she spoke.

"Oh yeah," Y/n poked at Maze's side once again. Maze instinctively pushed the staff further into her neck. Y/n reached up and poked her sides, not caring about the staff. "Wait a second. Mazikeen Smith. Are you ticklish?"

"No." Maze responded too quickly in Y/n's eyes.

"Oh, alright. Alright." Y/n reached up to Maze's side and kept poking at her side, regardless of the fact that every time she moved her hand, it seemed like Maze pushed the staff harder and harder into her neck. "Trix!" Y/n called out, "Gimme a hand babe!"

"Don't bring her into-Ahh!" Maze was shocked when she felt Trixie's tiny hands begin to tickle her at the same area of Y/n's. When Maze loosened her grip on the staff Y/n managed to push her off and onto the ground next to her, barely hitting Trixie.

"Get her!" Y/n managed to once again get on to top of her and went in for Maze's neck while Trixie attacked her sides. "Yield!" Y/n said before getting close to her face.

"Fine," Maze said aggressively, "I yield!" Y/n put her hands up in a surrender motion as did Trixie. "You two play a hard bargain." Y/n stood from her girlfriend's lap.

"See, Maze." Y/n said and fist bumped Trixie. "My favorite girl will always be on my side and you can't do anything about it. Ain't that right?" Y/n leaned down to the girl's height and gave it a peck on the cheek.

"I thought I was your favorite girl?" Maze asked.

"Well, you're a demon."

"Y/n it's rude to call people names." Trixie retorted.

"Well Trixie. Maze is a mean, mean demon."

"You two realize I let you win that, right?" Maze asked.

"Sure, Maze." Y/n said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, Maze." Trixie said hands on her hips, "Sure."

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