Dating Lisa Snart and being her brother's friend

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Warnings: Sexual themes(not too many), talk of one night stands. That's all I think

-You had known Leonard since you were practically babies.

-After a while though you two stopped talking for a while.

-Once you two began talking again Lisa was more in the picture and you two became very close.

-After a couple of one night stands, the two of you decided to give a relationship a try.

-Both of you decided to hide the relationship from Leonard and Mick.

-Once when Leonard and Mick were out and not planning on coming back for a while the two of you decided to have a romantic night in. Filled with nice wine, good food, candles taking a nice bath together and all the work.

-Most of the things were glossed over.

-The two of you decided to just have some *cough cough* fun on the couch, when Leonard walked back in while the two of you were half way undressed.

-And he was far from happy with the two of you.

-He's protective over you because you're one of his best friends. And then there's Lisa who's his little sister who he is also protective over.

-In the end his philosophy is if you two are happy then he's happy.

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