Two-Faced Jack (Wynonna Earp X Reader)

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REQUEST: Can I request a wynonna x reader fic? The reader saving wynonna from Jack with dolls and doc and fight jack. Also the aftermath of jack's demise.


A/N: I know nothing about guns because I'm not a gun person. So ignore how bad it is when I'm talking about them

Y/n found herself waiting for Doc and Dolls at the entrance of where Wynonna was being held. She paced around, fidgeting with her shirt. She stopped when she heard the car begin to pull up.

"Finally," she whispered to herself. Dolls and Doc opened the doors and made their way towards Y/n, Dolls handing her a shotgun. She loaded her gun before looking at the two men. "What took you two so long?" Y/n noticed Doc's split lip, "Jeez." she gestured towards his injury, "I wonder what the other guy looks like."

"I'm the other guy." Dolls said as he walked by.

"Wynonna is probably dead and you two are fighting?"

"It was to help Wynonna." Dolls said.

"I don't know how that works, but we're here." With Dolls in front of her and Doc behind her the three of them slowly made their way through the tunnels, all brandishing their guns. Dolls stopped walking in front of her when the three of them heard the voices. One Y/n didn't recognize, while Y/n recognized the voice of Wynonna. She quickly cocked her gun at the sound of her girlfriend's voice. "You two draw out Jack and I'll go get Wynonna."

Dolls and Doc agreed before walking off and making noises with their guns to draw out Two-Faced Jack.


Y/n felt her stomach churn at the decapitated head laying in the trash can. "I hate this town." she whispered to herself before she noticed Wynonna strapped. "Wynonna!" she whisper yelled. Y/n grabbed a scalpel from the side of the table, ignoring the words her girlfriend said as she cut the restraints. "Thank god you're alive."

"No one can kill me babe." She said, "I'm an Earp. We don't die."

"Yeah, when the world ends all that'll be left will be roaches and Earp descendants." When Y/n managed to cut through the restraints on her girlfriend's legs, she pulled her in for a deep kiss. "I'm going to murder you if you worry Waverly and I like that again." Wynonna stepped off the table, "Where's Peace Maker?"

"In some barrel."

"Well, that's helpful."


They did it. That's all Y/n could think of. Somehow Wynonna managed to send the last of the seven to Hell.That's all Y/n could think as she laid on Wynonna's chest. True, Y/n wasn't there the day The Seven attacked the homestead. But she felt for Wynonna and Waverly. Y/n felt the anguish of losing Willa and their father.

"What's on your mind?" Wynonna breaks the comfortable silence.


"You're scrunched up nose says otherwise." Y/n looked up at Wynonna before getting off her to lay down on her side.

"You did it," was all Y/n could say, "you killed the last of the seven. Do you feel any different?"

"I don't know" Wynonna said, "I always knew I'd send the last of The Seven to Hell. But it feels almost, the same."

"I think I get what you're saying. Revenge doesn't erase the pain. Granted you probably would've sent them to hell even if they didn't attack the homestead. But, it doesn't change a thing." Y/n then sat up before straddling Wynonna's lap. Y/n reached for Wynonna's hands and pulled them up to her lips. "I'm here for you. I'm your bitch."

"Well, you are a bitch."

"Wow." Y/n said sarcastically, "I try to be loving and cute, And that's what you have to say."

"You love me." Wynonna reached up for Y/n's face and pulled her down.

"You're lucky I do. Normal people would consider having to kill revenants a deal breaker. But not me. I jump into the fire with you."

"All I'm hearing is that you're just as crazy as me."

"Maybe I am. You know I had a lawyer ask me out the same time as you."

"Why turn a lawyer down for me?"

"Well, the dick was a bit of a deal breaker honestly."

"Whatever." Wynonna pushed her girlfriend off of her, chuckling as she did so. "Thanks though."

"For what?" Y/n asks.

"Not having revenants be a deal breaker." She pulled Y/n back into her side, "Dealing with my ancestor's immortal bestie. Not hating me. Should I go on?"

"I would love it if you did."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, Wynonna." ~

A/N: This lowkey kinda sucks. SO yETT

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