Dating Monse Finnie

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WARNINGS: Slightly sexual things. It's one thing tho from the show itself SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 OF ON MY BLOCK

-The fam ships it, especially Ruby.

-When you're anniversary comes up and you're debating on what to do, you vent to Ruby about it and when you're parents are out, he throws a surprise party.

-Don't ask how he got into your place, he won't tell.

-When the rumors about her and Cesar began spreading, you hated him the most because of your crush on her.

-After what he said about the whole "sit on my face thing", you nearly jumped him. But the fact that a bunch of Santos' were around stopped you.

-You were one of the people shot at the quince, you barely made it out alive. The only reason she even considered forgiving Cesar, was because you made it out alive.

-Monty loves you.

-When he's gone, you always keep Monse company. And he may act like he doesn't know, but he knows.

-He has impeccable gaydar.

-Even though Jamal can't keep a secret to save his life, if either of you aren't out he can keep this a secret.

-He'd rather lose all his rollerworld money than put you in a possibly dangerous situation

-She'll fight for you. Definitely has squared up to Latrelle if he tried something with you.

-Would nearly get herself beat up because of it, but a small setback. 

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