Scorpia Dating headcannons

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There are going to be some obvious changes

-You two met at Princess Prom. You're Glimmer's older sister.

-You have wings like Angella. She was ENAMORED with you.

-She would encounter you obviously during fights on occasion. Regardless, of the fact that you two were on opposite sides, she still had obvious feelings towards you.

-After your mother died, you were crowned as the queen, with Glimmer at your side.

-And to say you were shocked when Scorpia walked into your castle would be an understatement. We all know she wasn't very good at speaking with the princesses but seeing you A. The QUEEN and B. The girl she's been crushing on FOREVER she broke down and forgot how to speak

-You very reluctantly allowed her to become apart of your team.

-She'd constantly try to talk to you alone. But being you the queen she'd have a hard time.

-One time you were walking around the palace, this was after she had managed to gain trust of everyone (for the most part). You were walking throughout the palace, trying to clear your mind and came across Scorpia walking around awkwardly.

-In the moment, you tried to channel your mother through you, not letting your facade of confidence fall in front of someone who was considered an enemy.

-In your fake confidence state, you tell her about a spot on top of the castle where you and Glimmer hang out. Somehow, Scorpia being Scorpia, managed to tear down your facade as the two of you sat at your spot.

-You didn't officially start dating until Horde Prime is defeated.

-After that your relationship is in full swing. Unfortunately, being queen doesn't leave a lot of room for dating. You're busy trying to reconnect all the kingdoms.

-This doesn't stop Scorpia from coming into your study with cookies she's trying to bake. The only reason she was able to do it, is because the people who work in the kitchen know she's your girlfriend so she gets away with it.

-As we all know, Scorpia is the queen of LOYALTY. So she's not protective, but more defensive of you.

-One of your advisors is snippy with you? She's down to fight. Someone shouts how you're a terrible queen? She's ready to fight. Doesn't mean she will fight every time. But she'll defend you to the ends of the Etheria. You don't need any guards when you have a Scorpia.

-Remember, during this time no one knows you're a couple.

-That is until Glimmer teleported into your room with Adora, Bow and Catra to tell you something important. The three were shocked (Glimmer was the epitome of SHOOKETH)to see you two kissing.

-Adora called it.

-Bow thinks it's adorable

-Catra had to hear about your crush when they were apart of the horde so she's not surprised.

-And Glimmer, oh Jesus. Glimmer has so many questions. "Why didn't you tell me? How long has this been going on? Were you two the ones caught making out in the kitchen?"

-For a week or so Glimmer would ask random questions about you're relationship. It got to the point where you consider giving her an order as the queen. But knowing Glimmer she'd commit treason to ask you questions about this.

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