Baby (Rosa Diaz X Reader)

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Request: Can I request a Rosa Diaz imagine. Where the reader is Rosa's pregnant wife, and she's a bit(a lot) ditzy. And she's the daughter of a billionaire, so she's gorgeous and dressed to perfection in designer clothes. And she comes to the 99 one day, cause Rosa left her lunch. And they kiss, and it's small fluff and sweet words between them. And the squad freaks out and asks so many questions. So Rosa introduces her to the squad. And they're shocked because the two are opposites. Thank you!

Hope you don't hate it. Thanks for the request


"Hi, baby" Y/n said as she walked over to her wife. Y/n set her food on Y/n's desk before she hugged her shoulders from behind. "You forgot your food at home." Once again Y/n kissed her on the cheek.

"Um," Y/n didn't recognize the voice, "I think you may have the wrong person."

"Oops," Y/n swiftly stood up as the black-haired woman turned around, "I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else. Can you tell me where Detective Diaz's desk is?" The woman pointed towards Rosa's desk and on Y/n went. She sat at the desk, knowing well she couldn't stay standing for so long as a pregnant woman. Y/n pulled out her phone and texted Rosa. Hi Rosie, U forgot your food at home. Y/n looked around and waved at the woman she accidentally hugged. The black-haired woman turned to a random man. Y/n shrugged the woman off her mind.

While waiting for her wife Y/n heard bits and pieces of Rosa's coworkers talking about Y/n not very discreetly. Most of them were wondering about Y/n's relationship with Rosa while the woman Y/n confused for Rosa talked about her confessed her love for Y/n's dress.

"Babe," Y/n finally heard the voice of Rosa, "You're still here?"

"Yeah," Y/n said as Rosa walked in front of her, "I sat down and I physically had difficulty standing, so I gave up and decided to wait for you. Now I waited for you so gimme a kiss." Rosa tried to hide her smirk and leaned down to peck Y/n on the lips. "I no, WE love you." Y/n rubbed her protruding stomach. "We should have lunch together, I brought enough for both of us."

"Sure, let's head to the break room," Rosa picks up the bag and makes her way to said room.

"Hey, Rosie!" Y/n called out, "I'm still pregnant and need help."

"Hey," a voice said behind her, "I can help you up."

"Thank you," Y/n turned back to the man. "I'm Y/n. You're?"

"Detective Peralta," Detective Peralta shook Y/n's hand, "So, you know Rosa?"

"Yeah, we met about five years ago. and I think she's amazing and she's so nice to me."

"Oh," Peralta pointed back at the woman from before, "That's Detective Santiago and she loves your dress. Where did you get it and how much was it? She's dying to know.

"It was a gift from my dad, it was pretty cheap like one hundred and thirty dollars maybe? Not much." Y/n saw Detective Peralta's face begin to turn pale.

"What does your dad do to make that cheap?"

"He just invests in some stuff, I don't know." Y/n heard Rosa clear her throat, "well, I'd love to stay but Rosie needs me."

"Oh my God." Detective Peralta ran towards someone else and said something to a tall black man who Y/n barely got a glimpse of. She walked into the break room and sat down next to Rosa.

"Let's get to it, Rosie" Y/n sat back as she watched Rosa open the bag, only to see that it was empty. "Where's the food?"

"You actually remembered to pack the food, right?"

"Rosie, that happened one time. I can mostly say that there was food in there."

"Was the food not for everyone?"

"No, Skully it wasn't." Rosa practically growled at the man, "Did you eat all of it?" Skully almost shamelessly nodded his head yes, "that was supposed to be my lunch, what the hell?"

"Rosie, it's ok." Y/n said before pulling Rosa in for a kiss, "we can go to your favorite date place."

"It's your favorite date place. I can barely afford an appetizer at that place."

"Well, I can pay. Let's go, baby," Rosa stood up before she helped Y/n. The two women didn't get a chance to leave before they were barricaded in by Rosa' coworkers.

"So, Rosie," a shorter man said in a teasing manner

"Ever call me Rosie again, Boyle, I will stab you."

"Noted, who is this lovely woman," Boyle asked.

"I'm Y/n," she pulled Boyle in for a handshake before holding onto Rosa's arm tightly.

"I'm sorry I just need to know, boy or girl?"

"Girl?" Y/n said looking at Rosa.

"No, he means the baby." Rosa deadpanned.

"Duh," Y/n giggled awkwardly, "we've decided to keep it a surprise. But I want a boy because why not? Boys are cute. Rosie wants a girl though."

"I'm sorry, Rosie?"

"Keep it up Santiago I dare you." Santiago backed off. "Any other questions? No? Good." With that Rosa slightly pulled Y/n towards the elevator.

"Wait!" Santiago called out, "how long have you been dating?"

"Dating? We're married." Rosa shut the elevator before Y/n could hear the roar of confusion coming from the bullpen. "Rosie, why do people not know you're married? We've been together since before you even worked at the 99. I feel betrayed. No, we feel betrayed." Y/n rubbed her belly to emphasize her point.

Rosa couldn't help but laugh, "Y/n no, I'm just private. The reason I moved so much at the beginning of our relationship was because of how often my coworkers came over to my apartment."

"I love you and your dramatic self. To say thank you, you give me a kiss." Y/n pulled Rosa in for a kiss, "Your baby wants a kiss too."


"Alright, when the baby comes out and cries when you hold them, you can only blame yourself."

"You're an idiot."

"I know."

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