Baby Cariers (Sara Lance X Reader)

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prompt: Sara and Y/n are in need of a babysitter but no one is available

Y/n and Sara had a sort of routine when it came for watching their son Dominic. The two had wanted to start a family together, but the idea of staying a legend was in their future. They'd stay with him most of the week. But on occasion, when the legends need another hand on the waverider, Sara or Y/n would go help. Usually, it depends on the situations. Most time they need an assassin rather than a metahuman who can control people's emotions.

This wasn't one of the situations, or so they thought. Y/n had been called for what the legends thought was a simple "kidnapping" and bringing someone back to their time period. None of them had thought they'd be dealing with an assassin. With a good amount of legends out for a mini vacation, Ray, Zari, Amaya and Y/n were forced to call Sara.

"Ok, Ellie. Thanks anyways." Sara replied before ending her phone call. The legends had given Sara a call and asked for her to come as well as Y/n. And no one seemed to be available last minute, obviously. Quentin was dealing with a case along with Laurel, Oliver wasn't baby savvy. And John was already busy with baby Sara.

Even her usual teen babysitter wasn't available. "Ugh." Sara heard the grunts of the ten-month-old baby in his crib. She made her way over to him as he smiled at the sight of her.

Finally, Sara decided she just had to bring him. She went to his bedroom to search for the baby carrier Y/n had bought the other day. She set it down next to the crib before going to fill his bag with his needs, Diaper, food, toys, and all the everything else she needed for him.

"Ugh." Y/n groaned out as she waited in the infirmary. "What's the damage, Gideon?"

"Well, Ms.L/N, You have a broken rib and wrist,."

"Of course." Y/n laid down on the bed and waited for Gideon to do what she needed.

Sara made her way through the waverider occasionally saying hello to the legends, all of which ended up doting on Dominic and wondering why she had brought him. Amaya led Sara and Dominic to the infirmary where Y/n was still laying down and recovering from her injury. Amaya let the three of them have time to themselves.

Slowly Y/n began to come to before she noticed Sara picking Dominic out of the carrier.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked, "An even better question, why is our seven months old here?" Y/n took Dominic from Sara's arms.

"Well, no one was available to look after him."

"So you thought, bringing him here was a good idea because?"

"I was backed into a corner, okay?"

"Fine," y/n cooed at her son, "Hi, Bubby. Let's go get you a snack. Want a banana? Yeah? Let's go get you a banana." Y/n turned back to Sara, "Ray can tell you about the mission."

Y/n and Dominic stayed in the kitchen for the duration of the mission, which thanks to Sara, wasn't that long. Y/n simply walked around the kitchen with her son in her arms and bouncing him around. Occasionally she greeted a legend who came in to get themselves some food. Once the mission finally came to a close, Y/n found herself beginning to pack up her things as well as Dominic's.

Y/n sat in the jump with Dominic in her lap as waited for Sara. Luckily Y/n didn't have to wait long.

"I really think it was stupid to bring him," Y/n said before Sara had the chance to speak, "I mean, what if the threat wasn't as easy to defeat as bringing an assassin? What if they came on the ship and decided this random baby should be used as a hostage? I mean, Sara anything could have happened."

"I understand why you're ticked. But, no one and I mean literally, no one could watch him."

"Well, I mean, you could've asked my family."

"I called."

"My mom and dad?"


"Alyssa? Ellie? Kyle?"

"Yes, yes and yes. No one was willing to take him randomly in the middle of the day. Plus, every single person is ready to give up their life for him, even Rory. Maybe even Gideon." Y/n said nothing as she began to power up the jump ship. "Y/n, just know this. I would never purposely do anything to hurt you or our son."

"I know, Sara. I just don't want to take that chance."

"You're just protective."

"Well, look at that face." Y/n lightly pinched Dominic's cheek, "How could I not be?"

"Y/n don't think I don't understand. I love you both." Sara pulled Y/n in for a quick kiss befor the jump ship made its way to their voyage.

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