Feelings (Maze Smith x Reader)

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PROMPT: Y/n obviously adores Maze. But Maze made it pretty clear that she doesn't feel the same way. (For some reason the line thingy won't show up so we're using a keep reading)

WARNINGS: Kinda crappy representation of a drunk person yayyyyyy

I guess kinda angsty

Y/n knocked on the door as much as she could with a bag of cake in one hand and a gallon of juice in the other. At the door was a frantic Chloe who barely even acknowledged y/n before she came in and Chloe went to back to everything she needed to do. Y/n set the items on the counter while semi-listening to Chloe explain everything she needed to regarding looking after Trixie.

"Hey, Chloe," Y/n called out, stopping her dead in her tracks, "I think I know my god-daughter." Chloe laughed to herself.

"You're right, Y/n," Chloe said as she visibly calmed down, "Trixie is still asleep, she got home kinda late with Dan last night."

"Yeah, I can just wait to start our mini party," the two women laughed to themselves. After Chloe finished her packing, she left, leaving a Trixie who was still sleeping and Y/n who watched a movie on the t.v.


"Chloe!" Y/n heard a pounding on the door. Y/ groaned, hearing Trixie wake up. She opened the door to see her favorite person standing there. "Hey Y/n. Where's Decker? She has the info for my next Bounty."

"No, she left a while ago."

"Well, you work with her, do you have anything for me?"

"Sorry, I took a personal week and decided to spend today with Trix."

"Hi, Maze," Trixie said as she slugged her way to the bathroom.

"The same Trixie who you woke up pounding on the door," Y/n walked towards the kitchen with Maze in tow, "How would you like to have a mini party with Trixie and me? We have cake and juice," Y/n looked behind her and leaned into Maze's ear, "maybe add some vodka."

"You're lucky I like this kid," Y/n grabbed some cups from the cabinet while Maze grabbed some of the alcohol Chloe has secreted away.


Throughout the day Trixie, Y/n and Maze all binge watched movies the youngest wanted to see, ate the cake Y/n brought and generally had goofed off. Their party ended, however, once Dan came to pick up his daughter. With that, the two women found themselves in Lux. The club had been closed that day so the two of them "borrowed" liquor from Lucifer.

"So," Y/n slurred, "Mazikeen, I feel like we haven't you know."

"We haven't what?"

"We haven't really hung out so much," Y/n held Maze's hands, "I mean, you've been busy with bounty stuff and I've been busy with cop stuff. It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever."


Y/n shushed maze with her finger, "No, I love hanging out with you. I mean, you're badass, hot, a demon. Everything I wish I could be."

"You want to be a demon?'

"Maybe," Y/n dropped her hands, "Maybe I'm just so drunk I don't know what I'm saying. Ooh, even better deities don't get drunk. I mean have you ever seen Lucifer drunk? Wait, I mean Lucifer can be shot and hurt around Chloe. Does that mean he can end up drunk around her?"

"Maybe" Maze chuckled at the drunk women.


"Yes, Y/n?"

"I like you. Like more than a friend. Don't tell my husband."

"You're married?"

"No, but I could be. I mean I doubt you like me the way I would hope. But god, sorry, Lucifer dammit. I like you." Y/n went to take another shot, but surprisingly Maze took it away from her.

"I think I should give you a ride home," Maze said as she pulled Y/n by her arm towards her car.


Y/n groaned as she when she heard her alarm go off. Y/n probably knew that drinking with Maze the day before she was supposed to go back to work wasn't the brightest idea. She turned off the alarm, before noticing she got a text from the woman. Text or call when you can. Y/n couldn't understand why Maze wanted her to contact her. All Y/n could hope for is that Maze doesn't have a story of her streaking or something else that Y/n wouldn't regret. Ignoring the text, Y/n got dressed and left for work.


Y/n sat down at her desk before she began working down the paperwork she had gotten. Not long into her work she had gotten a call from Maze. Y/n cursed herself. "Nope," Y/n whispered to herself as she hung up. Y/n had no idea what she said to Maze or possibly did. but Y/n would rather not figure this out while she was still hung over.

"Are you ignoring Maze?" Y/n jumped when she heard Lucifer question her from behind.

"No," Y.n said unconvincingly, "I'm just busy because I have a lot of work and I can't talk with Maze right now" Y/n turned back to her work.

"Well," Lucifer sat on Y/n's desk, "Maze told me you like her. More than a friend." Lucifer put the more than a friend part in quotes.

"Oh no," y/n cringed into her hands, "that must be what she wants me to call her for. I'm too hungover to deal with that emotionally."

"Well, there she is," Lucifer pointed towards the door, "So you may feel her wratch sooner than later. Good luck, Y/n" with that Lucifer walked away before giving Y/n another thumbs up.

"Y/n!" Maze called out once she caught sight of the woman.


Maze stopped in front of Y/n's desk. "Y/n," Maze slammed her hands onto Y/n's desk. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"Well," Y/n motioned towards her work, "I'm busy. Plus I'm super hungover.' Y/n tried to joke with Maze, but Mazikeen's clear anger made her lose the joking manner.

"Do you remember anything you said last night at Lux?"

"No," Y/n lied, "The last thing I remember was just taking some shots. And then waking up."

"So why are you ignoring me?"

"'Cause, I assumed you were gonna tell me I went streaking. The last thing I needed this morning was an article saying 'LAPD officer caught going commando'"

"So, you don't remember you saying you like me more than a friend? Because that's what you said."

"Will you drop it if I say no?"

"You're making this harder than it needs to be."


"Y/n, you're probably the coolest human I've met."

"Oh, no"

"I don't feel the same way though. I love you like a friend. The way I feel about Linda is the way I feel about you."

"Wow," Y/n said as she awkwardly picked up her papers, "Lucifer always jokes about partying with Maze."


"It's ok Maze. You're not into me."

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