Gallager Father (Fiona Gallager X Reader)

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prompt: You wake up in Fiona's bed and have to deal with the wrath of Frank.

Season 8 spoilers under the cut. I'm also changing some things around to fit into my fanfic. Frank isn't as accepted in the house

Warnings: Suggestive themes, YAY! Also cursing

Originally you and Fiona had decided this would be a one time (experimental on her part) thing. No feelings attached. However, after the second time the two of you simply kept going at it. Somehow, however, you miraculously avoided almost all of her siblings and father. The only one you had met was Liam. Ian was always busy being gay Jesus, Debbie was busy with Franny, Carl was with his girlfriend, Phillip was helping his friends and Frank was busy "trying to be a better person". Fiona couldn't have it any other way.

One day everything just seemed to be right. The only one in thing that seemed right at the moment was surprisingly you. Fiona had woken up and looked over to see Y/n still fast asleep in nothing but one of fiona's sleep shirts and a pair of underwear. Fiona began to run her fingers up Y/n's thighs, them up her back until they settled gently on her face. Y/n's eyes began to open before they were looking into Fiona's dark brown ones.

"Good morning, Fi."

"Morning, n/n. What time is it?" Y/n reached behind her to find her phone. Fiona moaned before pulling Y/n's attention back to her.

"Does it matter? I mean I don't have to go to work and neither do you."

"I like the way you think Ms.Gallagher." Y/n said as she began to pull Fiona in for a kiss. Before the two do them could kiss a loud crash came from downstairs. They swiftly pulled away and looked at the door. "What the hell was that?" Fiona quickly put on a shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. Fiona tip toed her way to the kitchen while Y/n went the other way to grab the baseball bat kept near the door.

"UGH!" Fiona called out. "Y/n get the bat, it's Frank." Y/n felt herself calm down before casually grabbing the bat and making her way to the kitchen. Laying on the floor near the table laid Frank, throw up on his shirt and face. In one hand was a bottle of bear and laying next to his head was a lark brick. Fiona grabbed the bat from Y/n and began to poke Frank attempting to wake him up.

"FRANK!" Fiona called out.

"Best way to meet your father," Y/n said as she wrapped her arm around Fiona's waist. Fiona poked Frank once again and he seemed to finally wake up.

"Ugh." Frank slowly began to come to as he looked between Fiona and Y/n. "My lovely Debbie, amazing Fiona. Help daddy and get him a beer."

"Sorry Frank, I'm not Debbie." Frank strained his eyes before nodding his head.

"ok, some girl Lip brought home, Get me a beer."

"sorry, Frank." Y/n shrugged, "I'm not here for Lip. I'm dating Fiona."

Frank tried to sit up and get a good look at y/n. ' "Holy crap. I have a gay son and a d*ke daughter"

Fiona leaned down to Frank's ear, "Frank, I'll tell you this once leave before I bust your kneecaps in. Better yet, I'll let my girlfriend do it."

"Fine," Frank begrudgingly stood up, "Just know this, Fiona my amazing daughter, I've always supported Ian and his tendencies. Love who you love. And she' a keeper who has a nice piece of ass."

"Get out." the two girls said in unison"

"Give me a minute." Frank went to get a beer from the fridge.

"I'm gonna count to three. And if you're not it by 3 I'll break your legs"

"Now Fiona."


"Fiona, I've always cared for you on your siblings and yet-"


"Y/n, please tell your girlfriend-"

"THREE!" Frank Scrambled to the door as Fiona swung the bat, barely missing Frank's head.

"You ingrate of a child. Who took care of you when you were little?"

"Me. Fuck off."

Frank kept mumbling to himself as he ran away in a fit if rage. Frank slammed the door before running away to only god knows where. Fiona strolled over to the hook near the door and set the baseball bat back to its rightful place.

"Well," Y/n smugly uttered, "Your father is a gem."

"I know right, don't you just wish that your father was just like mine?"

"Of course. Maybe I can meet your sister and brothers the exact same way."

"Oh yeah, you'll love my insane family. My teenage mother sister, Gay Jesus brother, fifteen year old who's already married. And that's just a normal week."

"Well," Y/n snaked her way to Fiona once again before pulling her in for a kiss." I kind of enjoy this small bit of insanity from the Gallagher clan."

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