Cosplay (Elena Alvarez X Reader)

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PROMPT: Elena is way more of a nerd than Y/n is. Because of this them trying to cosplay together doesn't work out very well.

Y/n adored Elena. Everything about he was so precious to her. Her being so passionate about things in her life. Being the biggest nerd possible. Almost everything Elena said, Y/n couldn't help but gush at. Because of how much of a nerd Elena is, they had decided to dress up for Halloween to give out candy.

Y/n knocked on the door while she adjusted her doctor costume. Not long after Alex opened the door and looked her up and down before bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Just," he led her inside, "Just see Elena's costume." Confused Y/n sat on the couch."Elena! Y/n is here and I think you'll love her costume" he called out. Y/n didn't understand what was so funny about her costume, but she deiced to simply ignore it and scroll on her Instagram without giving it any second thought.

She heard the pulling of the curtains from behind her and out stepped Lydia. Head to toe dressed up as if she were from Breakfast and Tiffany's "Wow, Lydia," Y/n stood to take her outfit in even more, "Nice costume."

"What are you talking about?" Lydia asks, "Leslie and I are going to the Opera. Elena told me you are staying and handing out candy."

"Yeah, we're also going to watch a bunch of episodes of Bucky the Vampire Slayer, the twilight zone, American Horror Story and everything else we can think of." she excitedly told her.

"Wel, why are you dressed like Lupita? Are you going as your hero?"

"No, Elena and I said we're going to dress up as Doctors."

"Actually!" Elena called out, "I think we had an issue of miscommunication." Y/n turned to see Elena dressed completely differently than Y/n.

"Yeah," Y/n motioned towards Elena's costume, "So, what exactly are you?"

"I'm the fifth doctor. What are you?"

"I'm a doctor." Y/n couldn't help but begin to giggle, "You're from that BBC show aren't you?"


"That explains why every time I looked up doctor every once and a while someone who wasn't dressed up like one came up." She pulled Elena in for a side hug. "I'm sorry I messed up our couples costume. I'm just not the biggest nerd like you."

"It's alright, Let's just watch our Buffy."

"I'm down for that," the two sat on the couch for the rest of the night giving out candy, watching t.v. and simply having a nice life.

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