Korra jealousy headcannons

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REQUEST: Hello! I saw you Korra x reader headcanons and absolutely loved them. Can I request more headcanons but this time focused on a jealous Korra? Thank you

A/N: Why is there not more Legend of Korra? Like, all I want is some soft Korra things. GImme some Lin Beifong content. Gimme some Asami stuff. I'm in desperate need for all of these things.

-Korra isn't the type of person to outwardly say she's jealous. But she will be silent in how aggressively jealous she it.

-Y/n is a shameless groupie for the fire ferrets. Like she's in their colors, sitting in the stands at every game she can be at. Probably has her own sign for the team

-After one match you're waiting outside for her to go on a date. When a woman walks up to you and strikes up a conversation.

-In the moment, you're a tad oblivious and don't notice her flirting with you, even when her hand is rubbing your arm up and down.

-She comes out of the arena and sees you talking with the woman. At first she just walks over, expecting her avatar status to ward off the woman. But she was bold and kept going on with you.

-Eventually, though, you did have to leave with Korra.

-Again, she won't actively say she's jealous. But you know her.

-You two end up going on a night date, but all she can think about is that random girl who flirted with you. So she tries to aggressively love you.

-She'll probably go out of her way buy you food and other gifts from your date.

-After a million attempts to give you everything she can, you have to sit her down.

-"Hey, Korra. As much as I need a five feet plushy of a turtle duck, why are you giving me all these things? Are you jealous?"

-She tries (and fails) to convince you that she's not.

-"Y/n L/n. I'm not jealous. I just thought it was weird how that girl had her hand on your arm and you were just kinda letting her."

-"I was just letting her?"


-"Alright, Ms. 'I'm jealous of some random chick I've never met'" Y/n pulled Korra in for a kiss. "I'm not going to shack up with some girl who I met randomly outside the arena."

-Realistically Korra knows this. But at the same time she's protective in her own way.

-"How about we go back to my place and hang out for the rest of the night?"

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