Let go (Fiona Gallager X Reader)

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REQUESTS: Fiona Gallagher x fem reader. Basically fem reader in the position of Steve // Plz write more Fiona Gallagher thxxxxx🤪💜

Y/n sat near the back of the small diner looking around and hoping she'd find Fiona. She looked up before she caught Fiona in her sights dressed in a simple waitress uniform. Even in such a simple outfit, something about the way Fiona looks in the uniform just seemed so "project" in a way that only she could pull off. A different waitress walked over to Fiona before whispering in her ear before pointing in Y/n's general direction. Panicking, Y/n pulled the menu up to her face and hoped Fiona didn't notice. Not long after, Y/n's waitress brought over a to go box.

Swiftly, Y/n put her food in the basket and made her way to the door. Y/n noticed a table at Fiona's section hadn't bothered to tip, so she took out a one hundred and set it down. Y/n began walking away once again before she stopped.

"Y/n?" She silently cursed to herself. She turned around to see a shocked and aggravated Fiona. Fiona said nothing as she pointed outside. Reluctantly, Y/n set her bag on the counter and made her way outside. Not even two seconds later Y/n felt Fiona's fist in her gut. Y/n doubled over in pain onto the window. "Start talking Y/n or Maia, or whatever your name is."

"I got a job close to this neighborhood and after a little bit of sleuthing I found out what happened. Is Liam ok?"

"Liam is fine, Like you care."

"Fiona I do care." Y/n managed to stand back up.

"If you really did, then where were you when Liam's accident happened? When Ian went missing? When I was charged? Nowhere."


"Just go."

Later that night Y/n found herself outside of Fiona's house. Reluctantly she knocked. Not even a minute later Debbie opened the door. Y/n was shocked. Debbie was just so big. She could remember the moment Debbie kidnapped baby Casey and the whole family had to get him back. More memories flood in of the moments she had with the Gallagher family.

"Hey Debbie," she awkwardly waved to her

."Hi, Maia. Or was it Emily? Oh right, Y/n."

"Can I come in?"

"I don't know. Are you going to leave again randomly?"

"Debs, I can't even begin to explain why I left."

"Well Explain why you're here then."

"Because I care about you, and Fiona, and the rest of you."

"Sound like bullsht. Anyways, Fiona isn't here tonight. She's on a date or something. I don't know."

"Well," Y/n took a card out of her pocket and handed it to Debbie, "Please have Fiona call me. I had a business plan in Dubai that got cancelled last minute. I also found a nice apartment that I'd like for her to see. Please Debbie." Reluctantly, Debbie took the card before she slammed the door in Y/n' face. Once Y/n managed to get into her car her phone went off. She answered the phone. "Hello."

"This is Lucy, right."


"Well, as of today the deal we had on my end was broken. So unfortunately your services aren't needed. However, we do have an opportunity in Jamaica if you're interested."

"Can I call you back about this?"

"I can get you a day, after that it may be taken." Y/n sat back and looked around again. Lucky for her she spot Fiona. Across the street y/n saw Fiona stepping out of a car from the passengers side while a man with a beard came out the other. Y/n felt the temptation to go out and call to her. Something just kept her there. Maybe it was how loving and doting they seemed. The fact that they both had rings on their fingers. Y/n knew that Fiona seemed to have it together now. She may have been working as a waitress because she's a felon. But Fiona for once seemed happy and like she had everything together.

Y/n knows that she couldn't give Fiona that in the end. To the Gallagher family she was someone who came and went as she pleased. No matter how much she loves Fiona, Y/n knows that Fiona doesn't need that in her life. She took back out her phone and dialed the number that had called. Unfortunately for her, it went to voicemail.

"Hello, I decided in the end to work with you in Jamaica" With those simple words, Y/n was once again out of the Gallagher family's life. Y/n knew she had to let go.     

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