Maiden (Tahani X Reader Headcannons)

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REQUEST: Heeey, How are you? I hope that well. Anyway, I've been researching Tahani imagines, and guess what? There were almost none! So I was wondering if you would make one for her, and a pretty good vibes reader. And her lack of delicacy irritated her at first, but her charm captivated her over time bye, xo

--- I know you probably wanted a full fledged story but I have like nothing completely blank with this for some reason.

-You lived next to Tahani in the original good place.

-However, Tahani kind of ignored you for a couple of good places before Michael made you two soul mates.

-You were perfect to torture her in a way. On Earth you lived in a decent sized bungalow no bugger than Eleanor's. You're home in the good place is the same as yours on Earth.

-Tahani HATED it the first few weeks of living with you.

-During the party that would lead up to Eleanor's chaos sequence, she'd dressed herself to the nines. In the best ballgown you could possibly have her in. While you came in a simple sundress/button up shirt and pants that you had worn all day.

-To anyone else, you'd look fine, even nice. But to her it'd almost seem like you walked into the party wearing a potato sack.

-It was a strip for her to be with you

-Once the two of you began with Chidi's ethic lessons she actually tried to get to know you. She actually didn't hate you. (which surprised even her)

-Once day she found herself in a compromising position with you (like with Jason but whatever)

-She didn't want anyone to know at all. You being such a "simple" person in her eyes kind of turned her off to you.

-Something she did love about you is how you didn't compare her to everyone. You made her feel great for who she was.

-Even better you weren't a fan of Camilla's work so you didn't. That was her number one with you.

-In all seriousness, as your relationship progresses, she comes to sort of admire your not as flamboyant ways.

-She lovingly calls it your quirk. (just like your height)

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