Kisses (Killer Frost X Reader)

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REQUEST: Could you do some Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost? I'm missing Flash so much rn. Maybe where the reader has fire powers?

PROMPT: You a meta human with fire powers find a way for Killer Frost to kiss you without her freezing your head. And frost is here for it

WARNINGS: We're going with some hardcore fluff rn because that's what I lowkey need. (Angst if you squint)

REAL WARNING: Making out like lots of it

"Wow," Y/n heard behind her, shivering at the sudden temperature drop, "Breakfast is looking great." Y/n felt a pair of ice cold hands snake their way around Y/n's mid-drift. Killer Frost leaned forward and kissed Y/n's neck. She then reaches her cold hand into Y/n's and pulls her around. Slowly Y/n turned back to the white haired meta human.

"Good morning, Frost. Morning, Caity." Y/n leaned forward, "Guess what I learned?" she asked.


Y/n slowly felt her face begin to heat up, feeling a soft fire begin to cover her arms. She then leaned forward before pulling Killer Frost in for a kiss. "That."

"That's new."

Y/n pulled away from her girlfriend and felt the flames on her arms begin to go down. "I know that we can't really kiss a lot because of your powers. So after a lot of practicing I managed to get my face to heat up. Just so we can kiss." Y/n turned back to the stove. "Now I can kiss both of you."


Y/n and Cisco looked at the monitor together, making sure Barry's vitals were in the normal for him. Luckily for the two, Barry seemed to be doing fine for him. Suddenly, Y/n felt Killer Frost's cold hands begin to rub up and down her arms. She felt Frost's cold lips on her neck. Y/n looked over at Cisco, who was looking between the monitors and his phone. Silently, Y/n swatted her girlfriend away.

"Come on," Frost whispered in her ear, "I want a kiss."

"Not right now." y/n whispered to her girlfriend, "I'm trying to make sure Barry isn't dead."

"So? Cisco is on it." Killer Frost pulled Y/n up from her chair before pulling her out of the Cortex. "We have something to do." was the only explanation she gave Cisco as she pulled Y/n away. The two made their way through the corridor. Killer Frost opened the door to the time vault and pulled Y/n in.

"Frost what the-"

"Do the thing." Y/n jokingly rolled her eyes, but began to feel the heat going up her hands as her arms once again begin to light on fire. She then felt the cold hands of Killer Frost cup her face, which the heat from made them warm up. Once again Frost pulled her girlfriend in for a kiss. This one different than others. She didn't have to just kiss her girlfriend on the cheek or the neck. (Even if Y/n loved those types of kisses.)

Killer Frost could kiss her girlfriend on the lips. For hours. Slowly Frost's hands made their way towards Y/n's thighs. "Jump." was all Frost had to say before Y/n became putty in her hands and followed her direction. Frost pushed her girlfriend back into the wall before kissing her once again. Y/n felt Frost's hands begin to make their way up Y/n's shirt slowly, before Cisco's voice pulled her out of the moment.

"Guys!" He called out, "Barry needs help." Killer Frost groaned as she set Y/n down.

"This isn't over." Frost said before tapping her girlfriend's behind and jogging off to check on Barry.


Ever since Y/n had managed to use her powers to heat herself up, Killer Frost had practically pounced on her every chance she could get. Y/n could be working on something to stop Cicada, and she'd go for it. Y/n could be sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing. And Frost would come up y/n, beg her to heat up face, and then make out with Y/n.

At some point Y/n had to push Frost off of her so she could get her work done. Even now, as Y/n finds herself working on a case for CCPD, Killer Frost can't help but lean into Y/n's neck.

Even though Y/n felt herself give in to Frost's advances, Y/n pushed her girlfriend away. "Killer Frost," Y/n said as she turned back to her girlfriend, "what's up with you? Why are you being so affectionate?" Frost, barely paying attention to Y/n's words, straddled her girlfriend on the chair.

"I just want you." She rubbed her hands up Y/n's arms.

"As much as I want you, I have to deal with this bank robbery." Y/n slowly pushed Frost off of her. "Listen. The moment I solve this, you'll have my undivided attention. I can kiss you as much as you want. K?"

"Alright." Frost leaned forward and kissed Y/n's cheek. "Solve it fast."

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