Time off (Sara Lance X Reader)

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As Sara laid in her bedroom looking up saying nothing she reminisced about the past two years. Everything to her seemed unreal. First left in a time period she'd never live in and then going to the league of assassins to be comfortable. Finding someone special in her life. Sara came out of her mind when she heard a knock at the door. She sat up and at the door was Y/n in all her glory, in one hand was a bottle of Champaign and in the other were two glasses in her hand.

"Care to join me?" Y/n asked. Sara moved over I the bed and patted the seat next to her. Y/n sat down and gave Sara a glass to drink it of. "These past two years have been the definition of crazy." Y/n poured the drink into both of their glasses.

"It really has been. But some things have been worth it."

"Alright then. Let's raise a glass to the things that are worth it. Like me learning to defend nyself better."

"And to us." Sara flirted.

"What about us?"

"Well, I think getting married is a big deal." Sara said as she played with the simple silver band that adorned it. Y/n laughed to herself. As the two went on with the night drinking and talking they somehow managed to make it into each other's arms.

"Well, our lives can no longer be so simple. Time to kill an evil immortal dictator." Y/n put both hands on the sides of Sara's face before planting kisses along her jaw and neck.

"My life has never been simple."

"Well neither has mine. But at least our lives can be not simple with each other."

"Y/n y/l/n-Lance. That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard."

"Good" Sara turned her head and began to kiss y/n, this time on the lips as she began to lower y/n on the bed ans begin to run her hands under her shirt.

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