Royalty for a night (Diana Prince X Reader)

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PROMPT: This is an excuse for me to write some good ole' Diana Prince fluff with her wife. I started this on a google doc, and forgot about it before this moment. So I guess you can call this Fluff without plot

Also I guess this can be considered another part to my "" fanfic because it has my OC (And by OC I mean Hannah Williams son) Fun fact gal Gadot is 5″10 which makes me feel gay inside

"Diana," Y/n said as she looked in the mirror, "Is this nice?" Diana had been invited to a special opening for a museum exhibit and she decided on having Y/n as her plus one. They decided to go shopping for y/n to get herself a new dress for the exhibit. She was dressed in pink, floor-length number, which Y/n couldn't help but almost sneer at on her body.

"I think you look lovely, Y/n" Diana tried her best not to show her slight frustrations. Y/n couldn't find a dress in her size that she liked. This was the third dress in Y/n's size that she could find.

"Yeah, D. But, it doesn't look good on me." Y/n began to mentally criticize everything regarding the dress. "Clearly I'm having no luck finding something I like. Can you go see if there is something I may like?" Without saying another thing Diana went to look for a dress for Y/n to wear. Y/n stripped out of the current dress and sat down as she waited for Diana. Not long into her wait, she heard a knock on the door. Y/n opened up the door slightly, grabbing at the dress in Diana's hand.

She turned back to the mirror and held the (colored) dress in front of her body. She smiled at herself and the dress, thinking she might've found it. "This is actually really nice." Y/n shimmied herself into the dress, before she smoothed out the dress and opened up the door for her wife. "You know your fashion." Diana couldn't help but admire the (dress type) that flowed down her body. "This is why I married you."

"Well, I'd hope not."

"Nope," Y/n did a small twirl in the mirror, "this dress is proof you're an amazing wife." she wiggled her hand out to Diana to take, which she took, and y/n pulled her hand up to her mouth and gave it a kiss. "Alright. I'll take this off. How about you go get us a spot in line." Diana nodded before making her way out of the dressing room.


Diana looked over at her wife in admiration. For once her hair was pulled back into a high bun/ pulled back behind her ears. She wore the small diamond studs that she had bought the other day. Y/n stood up from her chair and gave herself a once over in the mirror.

"Alright." She says to no one in particular, "Wyatt is with Clark and he didn't cry when he went. You," Y/n turned back to Diana. "As always look perfect." Y/n noted Diana's outfit. A long floor-length, dress like hers, black and long-sleeved. Her hair was curled and pulled into a ponytail. "You really do look nice, D. If you're ready I'm ready."


"Now, the two of us walk in. Wow them with how awesome and hot her are. And then go home." Y/n said.

"There's much more than that."

"Well, I'm summarizing the night." Y/n slithered her arm between Diana's, "Cut me some slack, babe." Y/n pulled her phone out of her bag and picked went to the texts she sent to Clark.

"Y/n?' Diana said accusingly. "We just got here and you're checking on Wyatt?"

"Excuse me, for loving my baby."

"He's almost five."

"He'll always by my baby." Reluctantly, Y/n put her phone back into her purse. "Alright, I'm playing your games."

"That's all I ask." Y/n reached her hand out to Diana. "Care to dance?"

Diana pretended to swoon over her wife, "Of course." she put her hand into Y/n's. "Lead the way." Y/n pulled Diana onto the dance floor. She put her hands on Diana's shoulders, while Diana's are on her hips. Y/n leaned forward and rested her head on Diana's shoulder/chest (depending on your height). The two women allowed the music to take control as they swayed to the soft song.

"Hey, D?" Y/n said with a muffled voice.


"Do you think Wyatt would be happy with a sibling?"

"Why do you ask?" Y/n pulled away from Diana and reached down into her purse before pulling out her phone. "Well, earlier today," she began while opening up her emails, "earlier today, I got an email from a woman. She said, she'd love to look at us to adopt her baby." Y/n turned the phone to Diana.

"Really?" Diana practically snatched the phone from her wife's hand. She quickly read through the fairly brief email detailing about the woman giving her child up to the two women. Y/n noticed Diana's eyes beginning to water. Y/n reached her hands towards Diana's face. "Oh gods." Diana pulled Y/n in for a tight hug. But Y/n didn't mind the almost bone crushing feeling of it.

"I'm ready for baby number 2 if you are, D."

"I think I'm ready." Y/n pulled back from her wife to pull Diana in for a kiss.

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