Batya's date(Ella Lopez X Reader)

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REQUEST:Ella Lopez x Angel OC form Lucifer  

PROMPT: Lucifer's favorite sister has a crush on Ella

WARNINGS: Drinking

Y/n was always Lucifer's favorite. He'd never admit it. But she was. She was the one who'd advocate for him when his father would be cross with him. She'd visit him in hell, even when she knew her father would be upset with her. And whenever Lucifer would leave hell to roam the earth, he'd call upon her to make it a sibling rendezvous. All of this stopped almost three years ago. Suddenly, he no longer called for her. So here she was. Among the humans all along. In a police station of all places.

She heard her brothers and sisters talk about Lucifer working for the LAPD. This was something Y/n could only see to believe. So she found herself wandering around the station. Ultimately, Y/n gave up and walked up to a random dark-haired woman.

"Excuse me?" Y/n asked. "I was wondering if you could help me find my brother." The dark-haired woman stood face to face/ and looked down at/ and looked up at (Depends on height) in an almost awe of silence. Not expecting to see an almost angelic woman standing in front of her. The woman reached her hand out abruptly for Y/n to take.

"I'm Ella," She almost stuttered out, "And I'm the CSI person. But I can help you find-"

"Oh, no." Y/n shook Ella's hand, "My brother isn't missing. He just works here."

"Oh, what's his name?"


"What?!" Ella yelled, her awe turning into shock, "You two look nothing alike. I mean, Amenadiel doesn't look like him either. But that's beside the point." Ella turned around and walked towards what Y/n could only assume was her office. Standing at a desk was a tall well-groomed darl-haired man and a smaller framed, blonde-haired woman. Ella stands there with an impassioned face, and yet Y/n couldn't help but think she was cute even in her frustration, before clearing her throat. "What is this?" She asks as she pointed towards Y/n. 

Both of the adults turn around, the woman looking confused while Y/n finally saw exactly who she was looking for.


"Oh my dad," She whispered to herself, "Lulu!" She pulled Lucifer in for a hug in excitement. "Look at you!" Y/n reached up and pretended to wipe away a piece of lint from his shoulder. "My amazing big brother, doing police work. By the way, here I don't go by Batya. Y/n suits me better." Y/n turned back around towards Ella, "Thank you so much for helping me find my big brother." She took Ella's hand into hers. "Let me repay you."

"Oh, it was no big deal." Ella tried to wave her off.

"Maybe not," Y/n says, "but I'm using it as an excuse to ask a pretty girl on a date. Unless you're not interested."

"No, no, no, no, no. I'm very interested."

"Good." Y/n brought Ella's hand to her lips and gave the bag side a quick peck. "Call my brother."


Y/n pulled up the straps on her new dress as she admired her outfit. 

"I can't believe you're going on a date with Ms. Lopez," Lucifer comments from the door frame of his guest bedroom.

"I am." Y/n got up to get her shoes, "Besides, Ella is hot."

"It's odd," Lucifer says before sitting down on Y/n's bed, "you're not the first one of us to grow attached to her."

"You seem really attached to her." Y/n jokes.

"Not me. Azrael."

"Wait," Y/n turns back to Lucifer, "what? Azrael? Rae? Our little angel of death?" Lucifer nodded, "I didn't realize Azrael was such a rule breaker. It's hard to believe that Ella is so popular with the angels." Y/n and Lucifer heard a ring come from his phone. "Is that Ella?" She reaches for Lucifer's phone. "It is." Y/n quickly put on her shoes and once again looked herself over. "y first date this century will be amazing."


Y/n reached around and placed her hands over Ella's, or at least she hoped eyes. "Guess who." Y/n hoped on top of the stool next to Ella.

"Is it, Y/n?" Ella joked.

"Yup," Y/n called over the bartender, "Four shots of bourbon, please. Tell me a little about you, Ms. Lopez."


Y/n couldn't help but admire Ella's drunk confidence. With every shot Y/n took, Ella took 2 just to prove, she can in fact out drink this woman. Y/n wanted to tell Ella so badly she couldn't even get drunk. But then Y/n wouldn't have Ella almost draping herself on top of her. Y/n took one more shot of her alcohol before pushing another shot out of Ella's reach.

"Come on Ms. Lopez," Y/n said practically dragging Ella towards the elevator of Lux.

"You know," Ella started drunkenly, "the first time I saw you, I totally thought you were a beautiful angel."

"Well," Y/n whispered to herself, "you're not wrong."

Not long Y/n managed to set Ella down on her bed, barely conscious before falling asleep.


The next day, Ella groaned awake before recoiling at the pounding ache in her head. She turned over to the nightstand where a bottle of medicine and a bottle of water sat. She silently thanked God as she frantically downed the medicine and water. 

"Hello, Ms. Lopez!" Y/n practically yelled, walking into the bedroom.

"So loud." cringed, "please lower your voice." Ella went climbing back under the blanket, to avoid the harsh light Y/n suddenly turned on. Ella looked up at Y/n who was clad in nothing but a bathrobe. "Wait, did we?"

"I'm a lot of things, Ms. Lopez. Someone who takes advantage of adorable drunk girls isn't one of those things." Y/n hands Ella a cup of water and a  small bottle of medicine. "This should help with the headache Ella."

The CSI took two tablets into her mouth, "How come you're not as hungover? You drank even more than me last night."

"Divine intervention," Y/n took the medicine bottle from Ella, "I can say though, Ms. Lopez-"

"Call me Ella."


"You call me Ms. Lopez. It reminds me of Lucifer calling Chloe detective. Call me Ella. We just had a date."

"Alright, Ella. I can say that this was a date I can say I enjoyed. And hopefully, regardless of your headache, you can say you enjoyed it too."

A/N: Note, I've had like half of this written in October and wrote the other half like 3 weeks ago and forgot about before looking in my drafts and realizing I had all this.

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