Some Family (The Umbrella Academy & Reader)

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PROMPT: The family had never been so close, but it still kind of hurts

"Thanks for the ride." Y/n called out to her uber driver as they began to drive away. Y/n looked down at her daughter Emma before walking up with him in front of her and in her arms was her portable car seat, their bags full of clothes as well as Emma's diaper bag. Once at the door she used her shoulder to open it up. Not even ten seconds later Emma and Y/n were greeted with her mother's warm smile.

"Y/n" she beamed, "Oh," Grace saw her struggle. "Let me take a bag." Emma waddled behind her with Y/n following in tow.

"It's amazing to see you mom." Y/n knew that Grace was simply a robot but having her as a grandmother to Emma was amazing.

"If you leave your things by the door, I'll take them to your room."

"Thanks " Y/n set her things down before picking Emma up and walking to the living room to let her stretch her legs. In the living room, she came face to face with her second brother, Diego. "Hey," She pulled him in for a quick, and awkward side hug. "How's everything been?"

"Fine," he said before walking away, barely even acknowledging his sister any further. Y/n looked around for her child walking around the room and looking at everything she possibly could. While waiting for the rest of her siblings to come, Y/n simply followed around her toddler around the house as she explored. While Emma didn't give the care of the world, Y/n couldn't help but notice all of the memories that came flooding back. The good memories and the bad ones. Mostly the bad ones.

"Is that Y/n's old skirt?" Y/n heard a voice ask.

"Oh, crap." Y/n didn't even hear anyone else come in. She gathered her daughter in her arms and walked back down to the living room. "Hey," she called out. All her brothers and sisters were sitting, surprisingly no fight had broken out quite yet.

"Wow," Luther said, "Who might this be?" he pointed to Emma, still not paying attention to anything around her.

"What do you mean?" She sat down with Emma still in her arms.

"Maybe it's just me," Klaus said pointing to the child. "But last time we met, you didn't have a baby." Y/n scoffed to herself.

"You're kidding me?" She looked around the room to see every single sibling looking at y/n as if she had sprouted a new head. "How do you not know about her? She's almost two." All of her siblings were trying not to look her in the eye." Y/n felt her blood begin to boil. How could her family not know? "I sent you all invitations to my baby shower, his first birthday and even random family gatherings. Hell! I sent you an invitation to her birthday that's coming up! The only one who has some sort of excuse is Luther. He literally wasn't even on earth." Y/n sighed back down and still held her child towards her chest. "Hell! I even sent pictures of us." Y/n would've stood up had Emma not been in her lap, "Mom even sent me something." Grace walked back almost as if to emphasize Y/n's point.

Y/n loved her siblings. But sometimes. Sometimes it was too much. "Let's forget this." Her siblings couldn't help but agree. Even Ben agreed with Y/n, not wanting to watch his siblings go at one another's throats.

As time went on, Y/n and Emma ate their dinner before Emma went to sleep in Y/n's old room. Once she was down all the siblings, Grace and Pogo went outside. Luther held their father's ashes before making his speech. "Anyone else?" When none of her siblings spoke up, Y/n did.

"Dad," Y/n thought about her words for a second. "Was a character. We didn't have a childhood. We're weapons. His weapons. Do I wish I stayed with my mom though?" she shook her head. "She sold me to a man after being born for so long. So I mean." she shrugged. "Could've been worse." Y/n couldn't bring herself to say anything further.

"He was a monster and you know it." Diego cut in.

"You're not wrong." Y/n turned to her mother. "We're some family." Y/n went inside to check on Emma. Once upstairs she saw Emma still sleeping. Y/n did her best to make her way into the bed before laying down behind her. Not long she eventually falls asleep.

A/N: Nothing much. I was just like let's just get a one-shot out there.

Nothing romantic. Nothing much. Not my best one-shot but here's this

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