Failed Surprise (Ava Sharpe X Reader)

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PROMPT: Ava decided to surprise Y/n for their anniversary and makes the unfortunate mistake of having Gary find out and spill the beans

Ava wanted to purpose to Y/n so badly. The time never seemed right though. Date night wasn't right, peaceful evenings weren't right, even simply hanging out and eating dinner wasn't right. In the end, all Ava could really do was wait with the ring on hand so she could purpose at the perfect time. For all Ava knew though, this could be months or years. Even worse, Y/n could say no and the proposal could end their relationship.

Ava looked over at Y/n in curiosity as she looked through the file in her hand. "Sign this for me, babe," Y/n said as she handed it back to her. Wordlessly, Ava took the file and signed it. Y/n thanked her before turning to walk off.

"Y/n wait," Ava called out, she reached into the desk and grabbed the ring box before quickly dropping it and standing back up, "Do you want to go get lunch?"

"Sure, I just have to get this to Collins and finish up something else then we can go. Gimme like ten minutes" With that Y/n made her way out.

Ava knew during lunch she'd finally do it. She knew it had to be a surprise. What she didn't know is that she'd chicken out in the end. As both women stood there with their lunches in their hands, Ava couldn't bring herself to do it. Something else she didn't know was that telling Gary of her plans to purpose would be a mistake. Y/n and Ava walked hand in hand into the bureau.

They turned the corner and were bombarded with loud poppers going off and everyone in the room yelling congratulations. From the crowd walked Gary with a large cake. Y/n's mouth gaped open in confusion. Even the legends were there.

"Um," Y/n leaned into Ava's ear, "what the hell are they talking about?" Gary walked over towards them with the cake, finally giving Y/n a view of the cake. Congratulations on the engagement!!! "Gary, what is this?"

"Weren't" Gary looked between the two women before leaning over to Ava and whisper-yelling non discreetly, "did you not propose yet?"

"She wouldn't be asking about the cake if I did. But thanks, agent." Ava whispered at the same volume.

"Wait," Y/n interrupted, "Is that why you've been inviting me to date nights and movie nights and a million things in general?"

"Yeah," she turned back to Y/n, "Well, Y/n. Since you already know," Ava turned and glared at Gary as she spoke before looking back at Y/n, "You're an amazing woman. A badass one. And I'm glad that you're my badass girlfriend. All I ask is," Ava kneeled in front of her before taking out the box, "Y/n m/n l/n, will you marry me?"

"Yes, I mean. Everyone already yelled congrats. So at this point, I kinda have to say yes." Ava slid the ring on Y/n's finger before standing up. "You know Ava, if you purposed any other time I would've said yes. I didn't need some huge proposal." Y/n pulled Ava in for a quick kiss.

"Noted," Ava turned back to the others before smiling, "Well, are we gonna eat or not?"

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