Kara Danvers Dating a superhero

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-You met as y/h/n (your hero name)

-There was a bad alien who you managed to defeat but because of this, you're on the DEO's radar.

-You don't really talk to Supergirl until one day during a fight the alien you were fighting got the better of you and ended up in a horrible situation and Kara took you to the DEO to heal you.

-After officially meeting you off the battlefield, the DEO wanted you to work for them and Supergirl.

-You surprisingly agreed.

-Originally you and Supergirl couldn't stand each other. Every time you'd go against an alien she'd try to prove herself if she'd be fighting you'd try to prove yourself.

-It got so bad that J'onn for a while forbade the two of you from fighting for a while.

-After finally getting to know one another, you actually became close.

-It started off as helping each other during fights, to getting one another food, even to inviting you to game night.

-Every single person there could see the flirting. Not the two of you though.

-Once after game night, you stayed at her place to help her clean up you kissed her. Then left saying nothing.

-Instant regret

-However, when you saw each other again she admitted the kiss wasn't horrible.

-After a while, it became obvious that Supergirl and Y/n were dating. You two became national city's it couple.

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