Rosa Diaz Relationship Headcannons

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-She has her own way of showing affection for you.

-"Your face looks fine today" (you look pretty)

-"I have never tolerated anyone less than you." (I have never loved anyone more)

-Has gotten into a couple of bar fights because some random people have flirted with you.

-For the longest time no one in the 99 knew about you.

-Then one day you got mugged and went to report it there and Terry noticed she got slightly more murdery than usual.

-At first she denied it, but she literally almost maimed the mugger and then you were forced to come clean.

-The first and last time Charles suggested a double date with you and his then girlfriend, she also almost maimed him.

-No one at the 99 knows much about you except that you and Rosa are dating.

-Jake made it a game on what type of person you are. Extra points if they find out what type of couple they are. Every time something is confirmed they get a point. Amy has some of the most points.

-Is the only one who makes her smile everyday.

-Not very good with feelings, but Rosa does her very best with yours. She won't yell at you for crying at a movie(try and tell me she wouldn't do this) attempts to comfort you,

-Rosa is not a cuddler or affectionate, however, if one of you is sick or just feeling horrible she is willing to show affection.

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