Tuddles (Diana Prince X Reader)

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PROMPT: Y/n and Diana go on their first date since adopting their son.

--- (I kinda imagine Hannah Williams son Wyatt for this so yay. Why, I watched mom in progress on YouTube and Wyatt is the best boi)

Y/n and Diana had finally gotten a night out for the first time in months since they had adopted their son Wyatt. Clark agreed to watch him for a couple of hours. Y/n had been working on her outfit when she heard the pitter-patter of her son's feet down the hall closer to the door. She turned around when she heard them stop.

"Hi, handsome." Y/n said as she crouched down to meet him at eye level. "I thought mama was going to put you to bed."

"I'm not tired," Wyat responded, "Where are you going?" Y/n picked yo the boy and walked towards his bedroom.

"Mama and I are going out to eat. So Clark is going to watch you." Wyatt began to wriggle in Y/n's arms as he began crying out. She smacked her lips before kissing Wyatt on the cheek, "What's wrong, babe?"

"I don't want you to leave. I don't like Clark!" Wyatt said between his cries.

"You liked him last time you met," she gently sat Wyatt on his bed, "Mamma and I aren't gonna be gone for long." Wyatt's cries didn't seem to be stopping. Y/n leaned down to the boy's level. "Ok, bud. How about, Diana reads you a nighttime story before we go. Alright?" Wyatt's cries slowed down before turning into sniffles. "If you go find a book I'll get her to read to you." With that Y/n walked towards the bedroom Y/n and Diana shared.

Diana didn't bother turning to her wife before she spoke, "So I'm reading our son a bedtime story?"

"Well," Y/n began, "It's either that or watch him have a mental breakdown when Clark gets here. So take your pick." Diana rolled her eyes. "In his defense, we haven't left him with anyone besides Lily and the other kids at daycare."

"Found it!" Wyatt yelled out before he ran into the room. He waddled over to Diana and handed her the book he wanted her to read. "I want that one"

"I read you this one earlier today, though. Don't you want another one?" Diana asked.

"No! I want this one," Y/n put her hands up in defeat. Y/n heard a knock, "that must be him." She went to open the door.

The two women sat silently in the back of their car ride, before either decided to speak up, "D, I feel kinda guilty. I mean we practically just got into the swing of life and suddenly we're like 'Remember this man you met a couple of weeks ago once? Well, he's going to watch you.'" Diana pulled Y/n's hand into hers. "Maybe I should give Clark a call to see if he's alright." She went to grab her phone with the other hand before Diana took hers.

"Y/n, Wyatt is four years old," Diana said, "Of course he's going to cry. Remember that this morning alone he cried because you put whip cream that he wanted on his waffles."

Y/n giggled at the memory, "You're right,. Hell, that tantrum was bigger than the one with Clark." Diana had managed to drop the idea for almost a half-hour into the date. Here the two were at the restaurant as they waited for their food, while they both attempted to hold a conversation Y/n's mind drifted back to Wyatt. Once Diana had gone to the restroom, Y/n decided to call Clark.

Only three rings had gone off before Y/n heard Clark on the other end. "Hello?"

"Hi, Clark," Y/n excitedly whispered into the phone, "How's Wyatt?"

"Y/n, he's fine." Clark tried his best to calm Y/n's nerves, "he's been asleep since you and Diana left." Y/n outwardly sighed into the phone.

"I know I may be overreacting, but he's my baby. Even if I didn't get him as a baby."

"Y/n, it's fine. If you want I can just check on him really quickly."

"Yes, please," Y/n saw Diana begin to walk out of the restroom, "Crap" she whispered, "Just text me how he is. Bye" Y/n didn't bother to listen to him say goodbye before hanging up.

"Y/n" Diana playfully groaned, "I saw you on your phone. Wyatt is going to be alright."


Diana was out in the front room, attempting to give Clark some cash for babysitting Wyatt especially on such short notice. Meanwhile, Y/n was in her bedroom changing into something more casual for the night. Y/n made her way out of the room and headed to the restroom. On the way back she heard a voice cry out. She stopped to listen before she heard the voice cry out again.

"Wyatt," y/n whispered to herself. She walked into the toddler's room. Y/n found Wyatt in his room sitting up in bed while shamelessly on his tablet. The young boy looked up ay his mother before he hastily tried to put his tablet away. "Hi," y/n cheekily greeted him. Wyatt hopped out of the bed over to Y/n.

"Hi, mama" Y/n pulled him into her arms and began peppering his face with kisses.

"Did you behave with Clark tonight?" Wyatt shook his head yes before Diana walked back into the room. "He must've woke up and just got on his tablet. I think it's time to go back to sleep bud."

"No!" Wyatt clung to his mother's neck as she tried to set him back on his bed. "I wanna stay up with you."

"I'm sorry," Diana said, "It's time to sleep."

"Come on, D." Y/m whispered, "It's not even that late. Plus it's Friday night. We don't have anything to do tomorrow. I mean look at this face." Y/n smushed Wyatt's face to make a point. "What do you want to do?"

"Movie and tuddles."

"Movie and tuddles. Diana. Why would we deny our son this?" Diana couldn't help but giggle at her wife's antics. Y/n walked out into the living room and set Wyatt down and grabbed the remote to turn on a random kid movie. She turned around to see Diana walking out in a random t-shirt and pants. "I knew I could convert you to the dark side."

Diana kissed T/n on the cheek before she pulled y/n and Wyatt into her lap. "I love you both" Diana leaned down and kissed Wyatt on the cheek before she came back up and kissed her wife on the cheek.

"I love you too, mama" Wyatt attempted to climb up Y.n to get to Diana before he kissed her cheek.


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