Anissa Pierce dating a metahuman headcannons

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- You're meta powers is the ability to throw light.

-You and Thunder have more than one team ups.

-She was very bitter and kind of angry when it took so long for you to tell her you're a meta human.

-Unlike her, you didn't inherit it the way she or her dad did. You got yours from your time in Central City during the particle accelerator. (Sorry if you don't watch flash)

-At first Jefferson is a little skeptical of you because of the reputation meta humans in Central City have, but after a while of getting to know you and seeing your relationship with Anissa he let up.

-Jennifer also sees you as a sister a little bit.

-Thunder, Black lightning and y/s/n work together very often.

-You were the first person she told her powers about.

-Cisco and Caitlin helped you two get an understanding before her family found out.

-Helps you with your own enemies.

-Not protective as in "Don't talk to my girlfriend" more protective like "A meta human could hurt you one day."

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