Just Breathe (Diana Prince X Reader)

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PROMPT: Y/n and Diana get the baby they'd always dreamed of

"Diana!" Y/n called out. "Ok, Y/n breath." Y/n reminded herself. In and out. In and out. "DIANA!" Y/n began to stand up. Finally Diana found Y/n trying to stand. "DIANA!" Y/n called out once again, not noticing her wife standing in the doorway.

"Y/n." Diana helped Y/n to stand her steady. "What's wrong?" Diana put her hand on Y/n's swollen stomach. "Is the baby alright? She kept rubbing her stomach.

"I think so." y/n pointed over to the bed. "My uh-my water broke."

"You're joking." Diana helped Y/n to make her way to the car. "They're early."

"I know Dia." In and out. Y/n told herself once again. In and out. in and- "AHHH!" The sharp pains came back tenfold once again. "Don't forget the bag." Diana sprinted towards the nursery as Y/n slowly waddled away. Once finally in the car Diana drove a quickly as she could without hurting her wife, but also trying not to break any laws. As Diana drove Y/n called her family and Diana's friends telling her about the baby. Y/n and Diana had been excited to have a child, but they were also nervous.

What is they messed the baby up? Their enemies coming to attack them? With every second going forward the anxiety goes up, but so does the excitement. Once at the hospital, Diana told Y/n to stay in the car while she ran into the building to get a wheelchair for her.

Diana rolled her inside before she checked in. In and out. In and out. Y/n whispered to herself. Y/n couldn't be bothered to listen to Diana and the man at the front desk. Soon, their able to get a room available for her and Y/n is laying on the bed as she counted the minutes between her contractions.

"Y/n/n." Diana said, holding her hand, "You'll be alright." Diana kept rubbing her back, attempting to soothe her pain, even if she is failing. "Just remember. In" Diana said as she breathed in before holding her breathe, Y/n followed in suite. "And out." The two exhaled.

Almost six hours later, Y/n was told she could finally push. With Diana on her left side and her closest friend, Riley, on the other. She held both their hands and emotionally readied herself.

"Ok," the doctor called out, "Push." So she did. Y/n blocked everything out of her mind but her body and pushed. Again. Again.Y/n stopped pushing, but still kept to herself. "Y/n we need you to push again. We can see the head." She groaned before pushing again. "Just like that Y/n"

Y/n pushed before she finally heard the cries of her baby. "Ok, Y/n" Finally she gave the biggest push she possibly could before she collapsed back on the bed and let go of her loved ones' hands. She tried to stay awake so she could hold her baby, but exhaustion took her over.

"Hello, darling." Y/n heard Diana say as she slowly began to come to. "Such a beautiful boy. Just like you're mother."

"Oh my god." Diana turned towards her. "Gimme. Gimme." Y/n squeezed her hand like a toddler asking for food. Diana set the baby boy in her arms, trying to make sure Y/n held him correctly. "Oh my god. Y/n looked down at the young boy. The young baby opened his eyes and reached up for her. "He has my eyes." Diana sat next to her and rubbed the baby's face.

"He's so handsome."

"He is." Neither woman noticed the tears slowly falling down their face before she saw them fall on the newborns face. "Sorry." Diana wiped the tears off. "Are we going to name him our first idea?"

"I'd like to."

"Steve Prince-(l/n). Welcome to the world."

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