Cut it Out (Karen Jackson X reader)

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PROMPT: Y/n finds out Karen is cheating on her with Lip. And she confronts her.

A/N:I literally can't stand Karen. But I kinda wanted to write this despite that.

WARNINGS : Sexual themes. But not smut. I mean this is shameless any fanfic that doesn't have smut is a miracle. There is also very strong language

I also changed some things around because why not?

"Karen!" Y/n called out. She paced back and forth waiting for a response. Once again she pounded on the door. Y/n had found out that even though the two of them had agreed to date, that Karen had been going around and doing other guys still. Lucky for her not even a minute later Sheila cracked open the door.

"Hello, Y/n"

"Hi, Mrs.Jackson. Is Karen home?"

"Yes," Shiela turned to grab something, "Let me just grab you a bag."

"Sorry Mrs. Jackson." Y/n pushed her way into the house, ignoring Shiela's cries to put her shoes in her bag. As she made her way to Karen's bedroom she heard her erotic cries of hers and someone else. Y/n accelerated faster before she found herself outside of Karen's room. Her cries were even louder. An finally she was able to make out who else was in the room.

Y/n mustered up the strength to slam the door open, scaring Karen right off the guy she was on top of. Karen looked over at her before sighing. The boy covering himself up was none other than Lip Gallagher. Y/n had met Lip a couple of times.

He had helped her out a couple of times during tests an such. He really was a great person to get help from. "Lip, can you leave?" As Lip grabbed his clothes Karen didn't bother, almost as if she was prideful in what she had done. Even if she wasn't prideful, y/n knew She didn't care. Once Lip left the room, y/n slammed the door. "What the actual hell?!" Y/n called out.

"Y/n it's not that serious." Karen tried to cal, her down as she looked around for a shirt to put on. "Lip and I were just having fun.

"Just having fun?" Y/n scoffed, "Karen, we have been dating for almost four months. What happened to I'm done chasing after just sex. I'm yours?"

"You know me," Karen found a t-shirt and put it on. "I enjoy what I enjoy. I don't care about it."

"Cut it out, Karen. I know you. I should've known with you. You just go find any guy you want and fuck around. For some reason, I assumed I would be different." As Y/n went around Karen's bedroom she looked down to Karen's trash can. Something caught her eye. She bent down before picking up a small box. It was a test, a pregnancy test. The box was empty but right next to it was a test that clearly said positive. Out of pure rage Y/N tossed the box at Karen, "Really Karen! What the hell You're pregnant?" Karen stayed silent, almost admitting that she was. "You know what Karen? Fuck you. Fuck you an fuck your baby."

With that Y/n made her way out of the house, not forgetting to apologize to Sheila for barging in. In the end Karen wasn't a girl she needed in her life.

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