Y/n and Rosa Diaz having a baby

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-She is kind of like how she was with Arlo but with you and the baby.

-You have an adorable little girl named Elena Carmen Diaz-L/n (Any other odaat fans out there)

-Everyone adores her. Amy is the honorary babysitter. Amy is the best aunt.

-Gina is the wine aunt who gives very inappropriate gifts.

-Rosa would've given those gifts to others but she burns the worst gifts.

-Elena is spoiled to death.

-During your baby shower (or your surrogate's) she literally becomes a cop mom because she's looking everything over like it's a literal bomb.

-When your daughter is older, she will literally act like a cop and interrogate Elena.

-It scares the crap out of Elena and makes her laugh at the same time.

-Jake and Amy are the main babysitters, and when they're busy, Charles takes care of Elena and Nikolaj likes to help.

-Every time he babysits, he puts Elena in some sort of costume, mostly when she was a baby

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