Emaline Adario Relationship Headcannon

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-You and Emaline weren't exactly in the same friend group.

-But you two often caught each other's eye.

-She thought you were hot, and even if she would't admit it, she'd probably be jealous and try to emulate you in her own way

-Oliver, would always pick on you.

-She never joined in, never laughed. Just smiled.

-Once Oliver left you noticed she seemed closer to you. Not in an emotional way. More like physically she was around you more. Never bullying just there

-During the trip to film the movie, you two felt some sort of connection.

-She even admitted her feelings, before you kissed.

-Once back at boring, everyone notices the interactions between the two of you. People who would normally bully you, for some reason stayed clear.

-Those who would never talk to you, gossiped about you the two of you and wondered.

-But neither of you cared. You managed to bring the best out in Emaline

A/N: I'm in love with everything sucks and lemme say......Emaline is my wife and I love everything about her

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