Schooling (Rosa Diaz X Reader Headcannons)

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REQUEST: hi! can I request rosa Diaz x reader fluff where the reader is an elementary school teacher and she invites the detective Diaz to come and present to her class? thank you in advance if you decide to write this! ❤️ love your blog!!

-You read to your kindergarteners a story about detectives and told them a story about how you're married to Rosa.

-After a while, you convinced Rosa to go to talk to the class about detective work.

-As much as Rosa jokes about Cagney and Lacey taking the subway, she's pretty good with kids.

-She comes later in the afternoon, after lunch and quiet time.

-She's so awkward, Rosa sits at the front of the room on a stool and just tells the kids to ask what they want.

-(She was slightly tempted to bring her unloaded gun, but decided that's a bad idea)

-There is this adorable five-year-old girl who LOVES Rosa.

-This little girl lowkey thought Rosa was a badass superspy and could not be told otherwise. (sometimes she plays along when she goes to the school)

-One little boy asks what's Rosa's craziest story. She does her best to recount it as a pg version for the class. But to the little kids, this was like an r rated action film.

-This class liked Rosa coming so much that every year, she goes to the school and talks to the class.

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