Betrothal Necklace (Korra x reader)

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REQUEST: Heyy can I get Korra x fem reader fluff. The storyline can be anything you want! Thaaanks💕

This video lowkey inspired this fic along with the request

PROMPT: Y/n proposes to Korra while on vacation

Y/n looked down at her necklace. Well, it's not hers, it's meant for Korra. A betrothal necklace. A black choker, with a navy pendant that had all four element symbols. It took her almost an hour to bend the stone in a way that Y/n liked and hoped Korra would. Y/n had planned everything out. She asked Senna and Tonraq for their blessing, set up an entire night just for the two of them.

Now here she was, waiting for Korra to appear at the portal to the spirit world. After everything they had dealt with within the last few years, all they needed was time away. Away from enemies. Away from their earthly tethers. For a month.

"Y/n!" a voice called out. She quickly stuffed the betrothal necklace into her pocket.

"Hey, Korra." Y/n squeaked out.

"You ready?" Y/n nodded, the betrothal necklace almost burning a hole through her pocket. Y/n reached her hand out to her girlfriend. Korra gently took her hand and the two walked through the portal.

"Wow," Y/n admired the beauty of the world, the bright light almost blinding her. "This is amazing." Y/n hadn't gone into the spirit world when Korra originally opened it, but she heard stories from all of her friends. Random spirits flew up to the pair, admiring them and flying around Y/n's head. "Korra, you have to let me take a spirit home. If Bumi can keep Bum June, I should be able to have my own spirit."

"I don't think the spirit would allow that."

"Well, the spirits are gonna have to deal with it because my girlfriend is the Avatar."

"I don't think they'll listen to me."


A week had gone by on their vacation. It was everything Y/n could ask for. The two of them, occasionally meeting spirits. Here they were, with the great general Iroh and other spirits, having a tea party. Y/n hadn't thought she'd be drinking tea with this man, but who was she to complain. Unfortunately, for Y/n, she hadn't found a time to properly ask for Korra to marry her.

Every time Y/n went to do it, they'd either be interrupted by a new spirit they'd meet, or even better Y/n would freeze up and say nothing. Y/n eventually decided to ignore the idea of the right time. Now all she was looking for was time. 

"Isn't this tea amazing?" Iroh brought Y/n out of her trance.

"Yeah," she agreed, "who knew spirits could brew a tea better than any human? You know I always wanted to go to the Jasmine Dragon. I never got around to it."

"I didn't know you wanted to go to the Jasmine Dragon." Korra said, "We could've gone during our airbending trip. One of our stops was really close to it."

"In my defense, we were a little busy during that time." Y/n quickly cleared her throat, not wanting to bring up harmful memories of the past. "Maybe we'll be able to go some other time. I remember Fire Lord Zuko said that he went every year on Iroh's birthday and it was like old times."

"It's a trip, then." Korra leaned towards her girlfriend before giving her a peck on the cheek. A soft side, few people got to see of her showing. "I'll be right back. I'm cold." Korra jogged off to her bag before Y/n turned to Iroh.

"It's not like it's cold here." She whispered to Iroh, who had a small smirk on his face. Y/n stood to follow Korra when she found herself face to face with Korra. No coat in hand, in reality, Kara looked like she was about to vomit. "Are you alright, babe?" Y/n looked down at Korra's left hand that was balled up with something hanging out. "What's going on here?" Korra took in a deep breath and reached for Y/n's hand with the one that wasn't full. Korra slowly kneeled in front of her.

"Y/n, I love you so much." Korra barely wavered out. Y/n looked back over at Iroh who had tears brimming. "You've stood by me."

"Oh Spirits."

Korra kept on going, her voice cracking as she spoke, "You've been here for me as I grew as the Avatar and as a human. I've been trying so hard to find a time to ask you. But it hasn't been right." Korra let go of Y/n's hand and opened her hand before holding up a necklace. Not just any necklace, a betrothal necklace. A white chocker with an (F/c) pendant that has an (element of choice) symbol etched onto it. "Y/n will you marry me?" Y/n silently flailed over towards the chair she was sitting on that had her bag draped over it, tears brimming in her eyes. "Y/n, what are you doing?" She began going through her bag before she saw the necklace Y/n had made.

"Korra," Y/n cried out, "I made this for you." she held up the necklace up to show off. Korra stood from her spot and walked over towards Y/n, "I've been trying to find a time to ask you to marry me." Y/n pulled Korra in for the tightest hug she could, afraid that this would all end up being a dream.

"I love you so much," Korra whispered into her the side of her neck. She pulled back before reaching up to around Y/n's neck and tying the betrothal necklace together.

"Turn around." Korra did so as Y/n placed the necklace onto her now fiance. Y/n walked in front of Korra. "Wow." Y/n rubbed the pendant hanging from Korra's neck. Y/n found herself almost entranced by the simple idea that Korra wanted to marry her.

"Congratulations," both girls' attention was brought back to General Iroh, who they temporarily forgot about. "This has to be the most exciting cup of tea I've had in a long time."

"I'm glad we could spice it up a little bit." Y/n turned back to the general who at this point had tears falling down his face, "Wait, did you know?"

"Well, I've caught both of you looking at the necklaces on multiple occasions." Y/n laughed to herself hearing that he had caught both of the girls and managed to keep the secret for however long he did.

"Good to know, General." Korra said, "Don't worry, you'll get your invite to the wedding."

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