Halloween (Amy Santiago X Reader)

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PROMPT: It's the annual Halloween Heist and Y/n is ready to have her baby any day now.

flashbacks are in italics

(Warnings: Pregnancy and talk of sperm donors)


The entire precinct all sat around and watched as Amy, Jake and Captain Holt walked into the bullpen. In the background Eye of the Tiger was playing (most likely the result of Jake Peralta), Amy was in the middle of the two men with a championship wrestling-like belt. Once the three made their way to the middle of the room, the song turned off as they began speaking.

"We are here, as the reigning champions," Jake began, "to announce this year's Halloween heist."

"This year," Amy continued, "We will be following the same rules as the previous year, anyone can play. By midnight, whoever has the belt, is an amazing human/ genius. Any groups are allowed. Anyone is, obviously, a target."

"Well," Y/n began, rubbing her pregnant stomach, "I think I'm just going to stay out and finish my work."

Captain Holt scoffed to himself, "Oh please Y/n, we all know that you are just playing with us and is secretly on Santiago's team." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Trust me Holt," Amy said as she lowkey glared at Y/, "We all know Y/n is in it for herself. Her pregnancy is just a disguise to make it seem like she's not playing," Amy kept talking as she walked over to Y/n, "Maybe we even had the baby nine months before now on purpose!"

"Yes, Amy," Y/n answered sarcastically, "I went through a three-month-long process with you to find a surrogate, just to win some bet. You're just a picky woman," Y.n glared at her wife.

"Sure," Amy condescendingly patted Y/n's stomach, before she turned back around, "The belt will be hanging up in the middle of the bullpen," Captain Holt, set the ladder down and held it as Amy planted it onto the hanging hook.

"Let the games begin," Jake called out before playing Eye of the Tiger once more.

Y/n stood up, cursing her pregnancy blatter, and made her way to the restroom. She noted all the glares coming her way from the players in the heist as she made her way past them, one by one. While sitting in the stall, Y/n heard the door open and someone walks in. Y/n opened the door to be face to face with Amy.

"Where is it?" Amy asked.

"Where is what?" y/n began washing her hands.

"The belt! I know you have it. Don't lie," Amy accused Y/n.

"Amy, look at me," Y/n motioned towards the baby bump, "I've gone two places in total. My desk, and the bathroom," Y/n went to go around Amy before she stopped and noticed a liquid begin to flow down her legs. "Hey, Amy."

"Yes, y/n," Amy taunted.

"I uh," Y/n groaned in pain, "I think my water broke."

"Oh sure, Y/n" Amy walked around to the front of her, "You can't-fool me."

"No, Amy, this is serious," Y/n waddled her way out of the bathroom, "Crap! I forgot the baby bag at home,"

"Ok, Y/n," Amt swaggered on past Y/n, "Miss 'my water broke and I'm not playing'"

"No, Ames, I'm going into labor,"

"Really?" Amy asked turning back around.

"YES!" Amy shrieked to herself as she helped Y/n make her way over to her desk while Amy called out for someone to call an ambulance.

"What is going on here?" Captain Holt said as he walked out of his office.

"Y/n's water just broke," Amy was frantically pressing 911 while Y/n did her best to compose herself. The precinct all focused on her while also simultaneously asking where the belt is.

"Can everyone just shut up!" Y/n shrieked, "Just, help me get downstairs," with that, Terry and Amy helped y/n make her way down to the first floor.


Y/n looked at the bundle laying silently in her arms, Amy sat on the edge of the bed next to her and looked down at their hour old daughter. Their coworkers' al slowly pilled into the room, one by one they looked at the baby. Y/n ignored the tears she felt fall onto her shoulder before Amy kissed her on the forehead.

"Have you thought about a name?" Terry asked.

"Actually," Y/n said before handing the baby to Amy, "I do have a name. Leigh!" Y/n motioned towards the door. In walked a uniformed offer named Leigh who walked over to Y/n and handed her a duffle bag. "Thank you," she opened the bag and pulled out none other than the championship belt. "An amazing human/detective. And look at that," Y/n pointed at the clock, "midnight"


Y/n had been planning this for a year and a half. It all began with the sperm donor. She began looking a year before truly bringing the idea to Amy's attention. She'd casually bring up qualities of sperm donors and after going through as many as she did, she narrowed the options down to two who she knew Amy would love. Three months before Y/n got pregnant, they "began" the search process for a donor.

Just as Y/n planned Amy narrowed her choices within three months to the mystery men before she ultimately chose one. Y/n made sure to be pregnant nine months before Halloween. She did everything remotely possible to make sure she gave birth the EXACT day of Halloween. She made sure to make it come as soon as she could, but not too early as to have everything timed perfectly.


Y/n had met up with an acquaintance. The uniformed officer, Leigh. Leigh had merely heard legends of the Halloween heist. She was always curious about the heist, but she was either too busy on Halloween or she simply wasn't working, so why bother talking about it.

"Leigh," y/n began, "As you know, the detectives have a tradition of a Halloween heist. I was wondering would you be apart of that?"

"Y/n, that sounds fun," Leigh responded, "but, I don't think I'll be able to. I mean Halloween is the worst time of year to be a cop."

"Please!" Y/n shamelessly yelled in the restaurant," I love Amy and the others, but they're so damn smug when they win. I'm gonna destroy them."

"Aren't you married to detective Santiago?"

"Oh yeah, she's going down the most. She's going to look at our baby and remember the day I won."

"Not love and pride in your child?"

" That's gonna come second."


Y/n had to be in the know-how for everyone's plans during the heist that night. The distractions, the grabbings, the general ideas. No matter the detail, Y/n knew. She filled Leigh in on everything as well. All Y/n had to do was go into labor at the perfect time. Not too late for Leigh not to pull off her side of the plan but not too early for the other detectives to notice Y/n's plan.

Y/n had managed to delay her birth just enough for it to make be Halloween but luckily,e everything went perfectly. Leigh had enough time to go through the plans of everyone before she finally found the prize.

While everyone went to the hospital with Y/n, Leigh managed to snatch it from where Jake had hidden it and made her way to the hospital.


"And that my friends," y/n said smugly, "Is how you do Halloween right." Kick ass take names, give birth to the best baby. Any questions?"

"Is the baby being named Leigh?" Y/n heard Skully ask.

"No, Skully. But, Amy, since I massively beat you, how about you name her?"

"I always wanted to name my daughter Maia. I always thought it was cute."

"It is kinda cute. Hi Maia Santiago." Maia smiled up at Y/n as she heard her voice.

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