"He's staring" Maze X Reader

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PROMPT: reader and Maze decide to go on a date and Maze becomes jealous.

Y/n had convinced Maze to take a day off for herself so the two of them could go on a date. She had let Maze decide on the venue and somehow Y/n wasn't shocked that Maze had chosen to a night club that was close to Y/n's apartment. Neither girls were complaining though, they were out to have fun and get drunk.

Somehow Y/n had ended up as drunk as she could be, meanwhile, Maze simply watched her girlfriend dance in a drunken stupor. Occasionally, Y/n would jokingly grab the hand of a random person and pull them in before Maze pulled the man or woman back in frustration. As much as Maze did her best to keep Y/n away from prying hands, there was that one pervert who seemed to keep looking at the two of them.

Maze would simply glare at him and hope he wouldn't dare to touch Y/n, and for a while, the man didn't bother either of them. Sure he did stare in a creepy daze at times, but a drunk Y/n was confident that Maze would kill him before he could get anywhere near her. Y/n decided to take a break from dancing to sit with Maze at the bar.

"Hey, Baaaby," Y/n slurred out as she stumbled on the stool.

"Having fun?" Maze asked.

"I am. I'm glad we came out tonight."

"Well, so is that guy." Maze pointed in the direction of the assumed pervert that still had his eyes on Y/n.

"He's harmless," Y/n brushed him off."He probably just hasn't seen a hot girl like me before." Y/n's drunken confidence made Maze laugh.

"Well, I haven't seen a girl like you before. So, I get it. But he's staring and has been all night." Maze looked once again to see the man still staring at them.

"Well, if he's so weird, let's get out of here"

"Sounds fine to me,"

"Lemme, just use the restroom." with that Y/n made her way to the restroom. The man was still watching her as she walked away. What the man didn't know was that Maze was still watching him. Once Y/n used the restroom Mzae helped her into her jacket and paid for the drinks. On their way out, they inevitably passed the man. As they passed him Maze glared at the man. Without a second thought, and without y.n noticing, Maze showed the man her true form in an effort to scare the man into leaving them alone.

"Baby," Y/n asked, "We should go get some more to drink."

"You're drunk as hell. So that's a no." Maze shot down, "You're going to have on hell of a hangover, so I'm going to be busy taking care of you."

"Oh please. You love me." Maze rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face told a different story, "You're not disagreeing." Y/n said in a taunting tone.

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