Victor (Elena Alvarez X Reader)

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PROMPT: Elena's girlfriend properly meets Victor. ODAAT SEASON 3 SPOILERS

Y/n didn't want to loathe Elena's father. She really didn't. But after Y/n had escorted her to her quinces and he ditched before the father-daughter dance because not only had Elena worn a suit, but also was escorted by Y/n, she had lost every ounce of respect for the man. The moment Elena asked if she would be willing to meet him, she was hesitant.

After a little while of thinking it over, she decided she'd meet him. Now here they were, Elena, Lydia and Y/n waiting in the restaurant for Victor to show up. Lydia had been drinking herself away while Elena and Y/n waiting. Elena in nervousness and Y/n in slight anger. Not with Elena but with Victor.

Had he been anyone else, she wouldn't give him the time of day, but only for Elena.

"Sorry I'm late," a voice said behind them. The three turned around to see none other than Victor himself. Elena stood to pull him into a hug before Lydia did the same.

"Hi," Y/n said still seating and simply waving her hand in acknowledgment.

"Nice to meet you,..."


"You, look familiar." Victor acknowledged sitting down, "Where do I know you?"

"I escorted Elena to quinces." Y/n hissed back with a calm yet angry smile. "You know she had her suit I wore a dress/suit just like it(If not the suit the dress version you liked from the episode), it was fun." Y/n was going to keep going but she felt Elena kick her foot. She still bore her eyes into Victor's soul. "It wasn't my first quinces. I escorted my friend to hers a little under a year ago."

After dinner, Elena found herself using the restroom and Lydia went to get herself one more drink before hitting the road. So here was Victor and Y/n. The two didn't say much with their buffers gone, so Y/n had resorted to scrolling on her phone.

"So," Victor started up, "How long have you and Elena been dating?"

"Almost two years," she finally looked up at him. "Why?"

"Just curious." Y/n acknowledged his answer before looking back at her phone. "Listen, both you and Elena have a right to hate me. I get it. What I did was probably embarrassing."

"Oh, please." Y/n chimed in. "We both know Elena could care less about being embarrassed. You walked out of her quinces and didn't bother to call her for months following it. That sucks. That hurts. And I don't like to speak for Elena. But get it together for her."

Elena had asked Y/n to be her plus one for Victor's wedding. So here she was, next to Penelope and the rest of the Alvarez clan watching Alex and Elena stand next to their father as one by one they said their speeches. Once Alex and Elena finished Elena went out of the room.

No one seemed to notice her absence so Y/n made her way back to the chapel, where she had a feeling Elena would be. Y/n found her pacing around.

"Elena?" she stopped pacing. "What's up?"

"I hated my vows."

"Why?" Y/n recoiled, "It was great."

"I meant everything I said, I just had more to say." Elena sat down before Y/n did the same. "But I don't want to ruin his wedding day."

"Well," Y/n started, "Perform the vows. But instead of for just everyone. Just do it for me. And you know, her" Y/n pointed up to the sky. Elena sighed before standing up and walking forward to the stand.

"Hi, everybody," she started, "I'm Elena Alvarez, you may remember me as the girl who was abandoned by her dad in the father-daughter dance of her quinces. Hi, how ya doin? Nice to see ya. Papi, I know you're trying. That doesn't erase everything bad that happened, and everything's not okay yet.

"And today, it was me making sure everybody was comfortable, and me saying nice things about you," Elena's voice began to rise in clear frustration, " and me showing up for you on your big day when you didn't show up for mine! I should not have to be doing all the work." Her voice began cracking as she cried. "The kid shouldn't have to be the bigger person." she wiped her face. "Anyway, Nicole seems really nice. Have a good life."

Y/n stood up and made her way to Elena. "It's not the worst vows I've heard." she joked. "You have the right to be angry." she wiped the tears from Elena's face. She leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead.

After a couple of minutes, Elena and Y/n made their way back to the party and stood off on the sidelines. Not long after Victor took the stage and began speaking.

"I'd like the say something. Nicole and I are so happy you all came here. My kids, said a lot of nice things about me today. But, they left out a bunch of things about me." he cleared his throat. "There was a time when I was not in a good place. And I left my family. And I was particularly terrible to my daughter when she was coming out." Y/n tried to comfort Elena and rub her arms. "So in front of my family and friends, Elena, if you would be so kind, as to give your Papi another chance. I believe I owe you a dance." A slow song began to play.

Elena found herself standing there shocked. "Elena," she gave her a tiny push, "Go" she kissed Elena on the cheek before Elena walked out. Not only with the support of her family behind her, but with the support of Y/n.

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