Family (Vanya Hargreeves X Reader)

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"Come on, baby," Y/n said as she picked up her son, Oliver, from the bed. Vanya slept on the other side of the be so Y/n did her best to pick up her son without waking her wife up. She set him up in his high chair before going to make his breakfast. She put on the television to keep him occupied while she began to work on his food. Not long into cooking, she heard the door open from the bedroom. Out walked a tired Vanya over to Y/n. Silently she wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist. "Mornin' V," Vanya mumbled a good morning into Y/n's back.

Y/n turned around and kissed Vanya on the lips before Oliver called out towards them. Vanya let go before going over to Ollie and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Y/n handed Vanya their son's finished food to give it to him. Not long into his meal, there was a loud and hard knock on the door. Y/n and Vanya switched spots so Y/n fed the baby and Vanya went to the door.

"Hi handsome," Y/n said in a baby voice, "You're hungry this mornin' aren't ya?" she began feeding Oliver before hearing Vanya's surprise. "V, who's at the door?"

"My family," Y/n set the food down before walking over to the door, "Really?" Y/n had never met any of Vanya's family, but every child knew about the Umbrella Academy. Y/n had never really been into them as a group but she knew enough from her family and friends. " Wow she was serious," she whispered to herself. "Nice to meet you all."

"What are you doing here?"

"Well," Allison began before being interrupted by something falling.

"Crap," Vanya jogged over to Oliver to see he pushed his plate of food off the high chair, "Come in!" she called over her shoulder. Y/n moved out of the way for her five siblings to come in. "Sorry for the mess, toddlers don't really care about guests." Y/n got a wet towel and handed it to Vanya to clean the floor.

"It's alright" Allison answered again, "We surprised you."

"When did this happen?" Luther asked in a rude manner. "I mean- he's what three?"

"Almost two, he's just tall." Y/n said, "Everyone always thinks he's three."

"No, I mean," he gestured towards you and Vanya, "this?"

"Please explain what 'this' is?" Y/n said using air quotes.

"Well, I mean," Luther tried to explain, "You're both girls? And I mean the last person...well." Luther alluded to Vanya's ex-boyfriend. "All I can say is that this isn't something I expected."

"Well," Y/n walked over to her, "We've been together almost four years now. Engaged for two." Y/n picked up Ollie and took him to clean him up. Vanya followed after her, leaving the Hargreeves siblings behind. "V, I know I just met your family, but I'm going to fight your brother if he even looks at me." She whisper yells as to not scare the child.

"Y/n, he's not that bad."

"Aha, that bad. So he is bad."

"Y/n don't even," Even Vanya couldn't truly bring herself to defend Luther.

"I'm not saying I'm gonna open arms to him. But, if he can act right, he can be Ollie's uncle. I mean, with my family and yours, he's gonna be spoiled." Y/n began cleaning up the child. After Ollie was cleaned up she handed him to Vanya. "Let's go before someone breaks something."

"That's all I ask," Vanya walked out, "One chance."

"I promise nothing, Vanya."

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