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Arrest and Justice

Feng Jin Yuan showing favor to his wives and concubines brought about a very common reaction from each courtyard. They had all lost things, and without exception, those things were all worth a good amount of money. Han shi and Jin Zhen were a little dumb and could not understand the actual situation. They were certain that their servants were guilty, as they interrogated and beat them, causing a fuss for a while.

An shi’s side was a little more tranquil. Xiang Rong sent her news that she was living in the county princess’ manor, thus she calmed down. The people of the Feng family knew that Xiang Rong was living there, but they did not have the courage to go and find her. In regards to Feng Jin Yuan, she was neither warm nor cold, but he was still her man. If he wanted to stay the night, she would still perform her duties as a concubine. But when it came to the 3000 taels of missing bank notes, she thought about it. When had Feng Jin Yuan learned such an ability?

But she very quickly thought things through clearly. It was not Feng Jin Yuan that did it. He always had a hidden guard at his side. With just an order, it would be odd if things did not go missing.

In regards to the missing banknotes, An shi was very resolute. She just ordered her servant Ping’er: “Put on a good cloak and tell the gatekeeper that you are going to the county princess’ manor to see third young miss. Then go borrow a carriage from second young miss. Go to the government office to file a report. Just say that we lost our money and have the governor go to the bank to void those banknotes. Go quickly!”

When Ping’er left the manor, she happened to see people from the Cheng shi sisters’ courtyards. They also got in a carriage and went in the direction of the government office. Only when they met in the government office and both expressed why they had come did it become clear that they had both come to file reports for their masters.

And that afternoon, Feng Jin Yuan secretly left the manor, going straight to some banks in the capital. After arriving, however, he was informed that the banknotes had been voided. Aside from Han shi’s banknote, he was unable to obtain a single cent.

Feng Jin Yuan was so angry that the roots of his teeth hurt. He understood what “voided” meant. An shi and the Cheng shi sisters, these three women were not willing to allow him to succeed. Their ability to tear him down was also exceptional.

Carrying Han shi’s 1000 taels of silver, he got back into his carriage. The rain was too heavy, and the carriage leaked slightly, but Feng Jin Yuan still did not return to the manor. Instead, he went to some pawn shops around the capital.

When he finally returned to the manor, it had already passed dinner time. He did not greet anyone and went straight for his Pine courtyard’s study. Only then did he begin counting the silver that he had acquired today. After counting, there were no more than 1300 taels.

Jin Zhen’s accessories were not worth any money. The hidden guard had received orders to steal a large bracelet from the jewelry box that Jin Zhen took good care of. Who knew that the bracelet was something that he had bought and gifted to Jin Zhen, but it was a cheap item that he had purchased on the side of the road for under ten taels; however, he had told Jin Zhen that it was an antique, which caused Jin Zhen to treat it as a treasure.

It was the earrings that he had taken from the Cheng shi sisters that were sold for 300 taels, but this was still too far from the 8000 taels required to pay rent each month. He had given Zhang Yuan a fake deed, and this matter would be seen through sooner or later, but there was nothing that he could do. He definitely could not allow the matriarch or anyone else find out about the deed. Right now, all he could do was gain as much money as quickly as possible. He would need to think of a way to earn 8000 taels each month to continue renting the current residence that the Feng family lived in. Like that, they would not move. He would then just need to swap the fake deed for the real deed.

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