Chapter 9: A Journey Begins

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Chapter 9:- A journey Begins.

<izuku's POV>

It was finally the day. Today was the first day of UA and to say i was excited was not even covering my excitement. I was going to attend the same school as Dad and mom and it was really exciting.

I got ready and came down to see mom, uncle Maruki and auntie Kurumi sitting at the breakfast table with Ochako who was in her school uniform and she looked damn cute in it.

She was in the middle of eating Mochi for breakfast. And it looked really cute the way her cheeks were full of mochi as she ate it. Had it not been for my mom and her parents, I would have gone and told her how cute she looked.... But who am I kidding, I wouldn't be able to do it even if we were alone in a room.

I walked down and sat across Ochako on the only empty seat available, I was sure it was something uncle Maruki had purposely done but I was too hungry and too excited to think about it.

I ate my breakfast without looking Ochako in the eye, I was sure I would embarrass myself if I did look her in the eye. Mom and auntie went on and on asking if we had everything we needed.

"Izuku do you have a napkin?"

"yes mom."

"ok what about an extra pair of clothes?"

"yes i have a pair."

"Do you have all your books or did you fill your bag with your dad's figurines?"

"Mom, I'm not 5, my bag has books and not all might figures. I'll be fine mom. Calm down, I'll have Ochako, Kaachan and Dad there's if anything happens. I'll be just fine."

"I know but i can't help but worry about you Izuku."

"Mom, I'll be fine. Now Ochako and I need to leave or we'll be late."

"alright , bye you 2."

"Bye." the two of us told our parents or i should say her parents and my mom.

We headed to Kaachan's house to pick him up, and bring him with us. After we bid farewell to aunt Mitsuki and uncle Masaru, we headed to the train station for a train to UA.

<30 minutes later, at UA>

Kaachan, Ochako and I began looking for our class. We were all luckily in 1-A. After about 10 minute of searching, we finally reached our class. The door was like 12 feet tall and was wide enough for all of us to fit in while walking together in a line. We pushed the door open and took our seats.

There weren't many people in the class apart from us. There was a girl with headphone jacks coming out of her ear, a blonde boy with a black streak in his hair and a short purple haired midget that had balls? On his head.

I sat next to Ochako and Kaachan took the seat in front of us. He placed his feet on the desk and put his Limited Edition All Might themed Skullcandy earplugs in as he waited for the homeroom teacher to arrive. Camie came not long after.

"Hey Bakubae, make some room so I can sit on your lap," she said.

He did as instructed, and she made herself comfortable on Kaachan's lap. And for once in his life, Kaachan didn't explode. It was honestly amazing how Camie could keep Kaachan calm. They even shared a kiss. "Ooooh get it!" a pink skinned girl said.

Soon the blue haired boy from the practical exam, came and started shouting at Kaachan and Camie for PDA.

"You, get your feet off of the table this instant!" he said to Kacchan, "And you, get off his lap! You're defacing school property and making students feel uncomfortable!"

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