Extra #1: Logan Hill Origins

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Before my dad was thrown in the slammer, he always told me to stick my head low.... Easiest thing to do. Because nobody can hurt you.

Logan Hashibara was a school student in the 5th grade who considered himself to be an outcast. He always kept to himself and stayed away from big crowds. There was also a big secret he had. His parents.

They were criminals and robbers. They often stole things that didn't belong to them, only to support their son. He kept quiet about them in order to protect them. He usually minded his business to stay out of trouble

Of course, sometimes, I just... had to butt in when someone was in trouble.

One day on his way home, he saw a woman who was being snatched by a man. From what it looked like, he was trying to do something horrible to her. The woman saw Logan who was just standing there as she struggled to escape the man's grasp.

"Please, help me!!" she said.

The thug pulled her to a wall and ripped her shirt open. He started feeling her up, much to her horror and fear. Logan knew he had to do something.

Because no matter how bad the situation is, those who help others, get help in return...

Logan walked forward and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around and tried to attack. Logan easily dodged the attacks. He also had some kind of superhuman strength. The man looked at Logan's shadow and watched it change form.

"I suggest you run," it spoke.

It started to take form into a creature. Logan's quirk started to emerge. The man was scared and ran away. Later, police arrived and saw Logan comforting the woman. They started asking questions, and the woman answered everything, without giving details about Logan's quirk.

Sometimes, it's also best to take an opportunity when you see one...

A few weeks later, there was a newscast about Logan's parents. They ran over the parents of somebody on their way home from the theatre. At the funeral, Logan recognized someone. It was the woman he saved, and the couple that were killed were her parents. She didn't hold a grudge on him, but others, they turned Logan's parents' actions on him, cursing him for being the son of criminals. (Big Batman vibes)

Later, he was taken in by the same woman who introduced herself as Yakumo Hill. She basically treated him as if he were her own son. She had also taught Logan how to control his quirk better. He wanted to forget what had happened those years ago, and he slowly started to.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" he asked, "Taking in someone who's basically the son of criminals?"

"Logan, you saved me from that man, even though you were just a child," she told him, "It's the least I can do. Besides, who your parents are doesn't define who you are. It's what you choose to do that defines you."

She gave him a hug and smiled.

Someone really important to me taught me that. She taught me that I can do anything, and be anyone.

From then on, Logan decided that he would no longer be in the shadow of his criminal parents. He would use his quirk one day to become a great hero. Then opportunity came in, when he got a recommendation for U.A High School. Yakumo believed in him and knew he would achieve greatness.

He spent the next few months training his quirk. When his 'rebel spirit' Arzene was around, he had enhanced speed, strength, and agility. His senses were also heightened to a degree. His shadow took refuge in his shades.

However he knew that his quirk alone would not do the job. Yakumo had him trained in various weapon types, and also gave him something special; A gun that shoots phantom bullets, incapable of killing. Logan knew he would be a great hero, no matter what anybody said.

One day he went to the entrance exam line. One of the staff looked at him.

"State your name," he said.

"Logan," Logan told him.

"Logan what?" the teacher asked.

Logan looked back to Yakumo who smiled back at him.

"Hill," he said.

I'm gonna show the world that I can be a hero, and burn the memories of my past. Call me.... Joker

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