Chapter 44: The Preview

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Chapter 44: The Preview

Izuku and Kenshi were headed to Melissa's lab, via her request. As It was located within the I-Academy campus. Melissa was giving them a tour of the campus. "This is where I spend a lot of my time," she explained. They stopped at a room. "And this is my laboratory."

She opened the door and, Izuku and Kenshi were looking at what could be considered as a scientist's paradise. Kenshi took a look around the area. "Wow, it looks professional," Kenshi stated while still looking around.

"You must be pretty lucky to study in a place like this," Izuku commented. He saw some trophies. "And you must be really smart," Izuku said.

"Well, I gotta be if I want my grades to be in top condition," Melissa said, "Plus it never hurts to hit the books."

"That's what Momo said when she helped me prepare for the final exam," Kenshi stated. As he remembered how Momo took him to the library after the sports festival and helped him to find new ways to use his quirk. He was really grateful for that day.

"If studying hard is the best way I can be a good hero, then study hard I shall," Melissa stated smiling. "You mean like a pro?" Izuku asked.

"No cause, I was diagnosed quirkless," Melissa said, "Mom and dad were pretty shocked about it, but I didn't worry. If I couldn't be a pro hero, I could be a hero another way; Through the work of science." Izuku smiled.

"I also have another dream, provided we create the teleportation equipment soon," Melissa said looking out into the sky, "I wanna share my inventions with other schools in Japan, like U.A." Izuku was surprised about that. "Really?" he asked. Melissa nodded.

"What's the point of having all this gear if there's nobody to share it with?" she asked, "I want my work to mean something and to matter to others. I mean, I have a few friends who take interest in my work, but they don't have the career like you do." She looked down to the floor.

"But at the same time, I don't wanna disappoint my parents by leaving them," Melissa said, "I just don't know what I should do, or what I should choose."

Kenshi approached her. "When I was growing up, my mother gave me the best advice ever," he said, "Be true to yourself. Wait for the right moment, but at the same time, don't throw away your shot. Eventually, your time will come, and you'll know what to do." Melissa smiled. "Oh yeah, I have some things for you two," she said, "Mei, follow me." "Got iiiiiiiit!" Hatsume said as she followed her.

The two went into what looked like a closet and returned a few minutes later, both holding a box. Melissa gave the yellow box to Kenshi while Izuku got the green one.

"Uhhh, what are these?" Izuku asked.

"These are support items, the yellow box has what we like to call the 'Thunder Gauntlets' while the green box has the 'Full Boots', they were made for you two of you specifically." Melissa explains.

"The Full Boots are activated by placing them on your shoes, they form a protective covering over them and allow for stronger kicks, we originally planned to make gauntlets for you as well but we thought that the boots might fit your new shoot style well. They increase your power output by reducing the energy lost when you use full cowling and almost doubles to strength." Mei explains as she attaches the 2 small devices near Izuku's ankles and presses a button on them. The devices expand and slowly start to cover Izuku's shins and feet in red and green armor.

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