Tale 2: Logan

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The Tale of Logan

Logan was enjoying himself, sightseeing the wonders of I-Island. "Man, it feels good to walk around for a bit," he said to himself. As he was going through the streets, he heard the sound of a punch. Logan decided to check out what was happening. As he walked by he noticed 3 crooks surrounding two people. One of them looked like....

"Kendo?" Logan asked himself. Kendo was defending an old man. "I'm gonna give you one chance to walk away and leave this man alone," she said, "Or you'll see what I'm made of." "Ooooh, I'm so scared," said one of the crooks. He had shades on his eyes to make himself look cool, and also wore a leather jacket. He was obviously the leader. Kendo decided to show off what her martial arts skills were made of. She kicked the leader in the face.

His three other friends decided to intervene. One of them grabbed Kendo and restrained her so she couldn't move. "I think it's time we teach you a lesson," said one of the thugs, "You think you're all tough, and you can strike fear into those who call themselves bad guys like Midnight..."

Logan decided to intervene and stepped forward. "Actually, that would be All Might," he said, "But Eraserhead, he's much worse." He stepped forward. "He'll put you in a web out of his cloth, he'll stare into your eyes and expose you to your biggest fear," he said. He was starting to terrify the thugs. "And what's worse... he'll erase your quirk!" Logan exclaimed, "To be honest that's a useful skill in one on one fights..."

One of the thugs started swinging his knife at Logan. "Back punk, back!" he said, "I warned ya!!"

Logan was unphased by the threat. He took the knife and bent it, then threw it in a lake. "......Right...." he said. The rest of the thugs started attacking Logan. He was evading the attacks with ease. When he saw an opening, he kicked one of the thugs in the back pushing him at a wall. He then did a sweep kick on the other two thugs. After roughing them up, they realized what Logan was truly made of.

Logan bent down. "This is the part where you run," he said. They all got up and ran. Logan chuckled. Kendo was amazed at how Logan handled the situation. The leader was standing right behind him. "Give me all your money," he said. Logan took a look at his stance.

"You know, if you're standing like that, people won't take you seriously," Logan said, "You're off balance, and you can be easily knocked over." He knocked him down with ease. "See?" Logan saaid. He helped the person up and stood him up.

He started to edit the stance he was in. "Now with a pose like that, you're more of a threat," he said, "But..... if I'm being honest, I don't think being a criminal suits you." The leader took off his shades.

"I know.... I'm just confused on what I could do," he said. Later the three of them were looking in the skies. "I've never had anyone believe in my dreams before," he said.

"It's nice to believe in yourself, but getting some help from others can be a good thing as well," Logan said, "If you put enough work into it, you might make it with an acting career." The leader nodded. "Thank you for this," he said. Logan nodded. The man started walking away. Kendo smiled at Logan. "I guess he just needed a bit of encouragement to follow his passion," she said, "And you helped him find it."

Logan smirked. "Everyone has what it takes to do what their heart desires," he said. As he continued talking, Kendo took this opportunity to kiss Logan on the cheek after which he blushed. "That's for helping me back there," Kendo said. Logan smiled.

"You don't mind if I accompany you back to your hotel room do you?" Logan asked, "I mean... in case more crooks try to assault you." Kendo smiled. "I don't mind at all Logan," she said. She latched onto Logan's arm as they walked back.

"So what's your goal as a pro hero?" Kendo asked the cool kid. Logan thought for a moment. "Haven't really thought about it," he said, "I guess to protect the weak, etc etc."

"Well, based on what just happened earlier, I think there could be more to your goal," Kendo said, "Me for example, aside from being a pro, I plan to open up my own dojo to teach people how to defend themselves. As for you... I think you seem like the type of person who could.... Help others see more in themselves than they believe."

Logan smiled at that. "I never really thought about that," he said, "The guy just looked like he could use some encouragement." Kendo smiled. "And you gave it to him." They continued walking to the hotel. "So what do you say the two of us help each other achieve our goals during our time at U.A?" Kendo asked. Logan nodded in agreement.

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