Chapter 47: The Big Reveal

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Chapter 47: The Big Reveal

Swordkill realized the kids were lost from radar. "Damn it!" he said, "Something messing with our communications and radars. "Lost the chatter," Wolfram said, "We don't know if one of those kids has something that can spy on us."

Jirou was listening in on a wall. "Looks like we've got robots in the room below us," she said.

"Well what about in this floor?" Camie asked.

"No it should be clear," Jirou answered. They opened the doors and found themselves in the server room. Just as they made their way to the other side, the doors opened up revealing more robots. "Damn it!" Kenshi said, "How many do they need?!"

"Language Jojo," Camie said jokingly.

"Not the time," Kenshi retorted.

The robots started coming forward. Izuku and Iida got into a fighting stance. Izuku was about to go forward but Melissa stopped him. "We can't break the servers," she said, "It could effect the security protocol!"

Camie stepped forward. "I'll handle them while the rest of you go!" Camie said. Jirou and Iida stepped forward, their quirks ready for action.

"Midoriya, you and the others take Melissa and see if you can find a different route!" Jirou said. Iida nodded in agreement. Izuku nodded. He, Ochako, Momo, Kenshi and Melissa went on ahead. Mina started shooting acid at the robots while Kirishima hardened himself for defense.

Hatsume had some gear on her for offense, and also knew Tae Kwon Do. She started fighting off the robots with her new gear. One of her inventions trapped a few of them in a net. "These babies really work!"

Camie was casting illusions to distract the robots while Jirou used her earphone jacks to attack them. Thanks to the training she endured she could handle harder surfaces and material.

Iida went in for a signature move, "Recipro Burst". He kicked a few robots out of the way with brute force. However, the engines on his leg began to stall. "Stalled?!" he said to himself. The robots captured him and Kaminari. Jirou saw he was in danger. She dug her earphone jacks into the metal flooring they were on.

"Keep your hands.... Of.... my... IDIOT!!!!" she said as soundwaves destroyed the robots into smithereens.

Izuku, and the others found themselves near a wind powered generator. They were nearly to the top and just needed to climb a few more floors. The plan was to avoid the robots in the other rooms.

"If we climb up there, we may have a chance at getting to the tower quicker," Melissa said turning to Ochako, "You can make us float." Ochako nodded and got ready to use her quirk. She heard a screeching noise. Part of the floor broke open and Davis jumped up.

"That thing is persistent!" Izuku said.

Sym-Nomu infested Davis lunged at Izuku. Kenshi used his gauntlet to punch Davis. "I'll hold him off!" he said, "You guys go!"

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