Chapter 16: All Might's Triumph/Ochako's Brave Confession

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Chapter 16: All Might's Triumph/Ochako's confession

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Izuku had broken most of the bones in his body but was somehow conscious. The nomu lifts izuku up by his leg and tosses once again this time to the entrance. "Deku NO!!!!!!!" Ochako shouted. "Deku YES!!!!!" Shigaraki said, "KILL HIM!!!!!!!" Izuku crashs at the entrance. This time however he was caught by ochako, who used her quirk on him to make his fall easier. "Keep your hands off my Deku!!!!" She catches him mid fall as she sees the nomu rushing towards them........... "Big mistake girly," Shigaraki said, "now you and your little boyfriend get to die together! Nomu KILL THEM BOTH!!!"

The nomu rushed towards the 2 teens, jumping up in the air aiming for the 2 with a kick. Ochako closed her eyes and tried to save izuku from the blow but all he felt was a strong gust of wind. She looks up to see All Might in a yellow suit, blocking the kick with a punch of his own. He pushed the nomu back throwing him towards the central plaza.

"All Might!" Ochako said, "Thank god you're here." All Might turned to her.

"I had a feeling something was going to happen," he said, "So I took it upon myself to come here and help you all. Had it not been for Iida this would've flown by me." He heard Izuku trying to call for him.

"All Might, he has *cough* hyper regeneration *cough* and shock absorption. *cough* go beyond *cough* one hundred." izuku gets out while coughing up blood.

Katsuki looked to Izuku. "We managed to patch him up a bit, so he's gonna be fine," he said.

"Rest son, I'm here now." All might turns to the villains. His iconic smile missing from his face, the face of rage replacing it. The other students were relieved to see All Might in action.

"Villains, your reign of terror ENDS NOW!" he said, "Because I! AM! HERE!!!!!" Ochako brought Izuku away from the field of battle. He dashed over to where Aizawa was taking down the villains without breaking a sweat. He then brought him over to Ochako and Katsuki.

"I must leave him with you for now children," he said.

He rushed in, disappearing from in front of the students, delivering a solid blow to the Nomu's abdomen then disappearing again, this time appearing behind the creature, grabbing its waist and performing a german suplex, embedding the creature into the ground. A loud crack was heard across the plaza as the ground beneath the 2 broke and cracked from the move.

Before all might could deliver the next blow, he was caught by the nomu, who dug his claws into all might's injury causing the hero to wince in pain. All might suddenly started to sink into the ground, kurogiri had opened a portal under the nomu and all might, pulling the 2 into him.

"You know, I don't really like organs or blood floating in me, but I can make an exception for the number one pro hero." he told the hero as he closed the portal.

Half way through the process, Kurogiri was frozen solid by Shoto, allowing All Might to get the upper hand once again, jumping out of the portal and kicking the nomu away after prying its claws off his chest, holding his bleeding injury.

Todoroki stepped forward.

"You said that monster of yours was only immune to physical attacks," he said, "However..." His hand had ice growing in it. "What if it were weak to 'certain' elements?" he finished.

He used the ice part of his quirk to freeze the Nomu's left hand. Bakugo then dashed forward, throwing an explosion. Once it made contact with it's arm, it exploded shattering it.

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