Chapter 30: An "All Mighty" Session

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Chapter 30: An "All Mighty" session

Kenshi had just finished up the cars. They were clean as a whistle. "Phew," he said, "Alright, that about does it." Aizawa was watching the entire thing. "Finally, a student that doesn't whine," he said to himself.

Kenshi looked to Aizawa. "Alright what's next," he asked. "Next thing on the list," Aizawa said, "Come with me." Shinso continued doing push ups.

Kenshi was near a deck and saw some objects. "What are these?" he asked. "Those are Japanese sanders," Aizawa answered. Kenshi tried them on. "So use these, on the floor," Aizawa said, "Remember, in circles." "But won't it be easier if..." Kenshi started. "In this case, do a circle," Aizawa said, "Right circle, left circle, and remember to breathe."

"Ok," Kenshi said. He started with his right hand.

With Izuku

Izuku's training with Sen Goku, was going well he was able to dodge all 10 of Sengoku's air attacks coming at him at the same time. It was now time for the second phase. The development of his attacks. This time instead of dodging the air projectiles, he was supposed to counter them with punches or finger flicks of his own. He was taking a stance, waiting for the attacks with his eyes closed trying to predict where the wind attack was going to come from.

The first attack comes at Izuku from above him, out of sheer instincts Izuku dodged the attack letting it hit the ground.

"Dammit." Izuku cursed himself for dodging the attack. SenGoku sent an attack at Izuku once again only for him to dodge it again. This goes on for 2 more times before SenGoku asks Izuku to stop.

"I need to stop dodging." Izuku told himself.

"Its alright kid." SenGoku tells Izuku. "You are making the same mistake as before. You are holding on to the thought of overthinking. Remember what I say, and let the wind guide you." Izuku got back up. 

"Actually, those Smashes of yours," Sen-Goku said, "Let's retrace some of the steps that you did to control Power Stack.

1. Learn to use/control a comfortable output you use on your arms and legs

2. Quickly switch the quirk's energy between your arms and legs

3. Utilize Full Cowl which focuses the quirk's output around your entire body rather than your limbs

4. Use Power Stack as a Multiplier to increase the output of One For All

5. Raise your control from 5% to 10%

6. Raise your control to 20% for a short amount of time

"So why do you think All Might never used 100% of his power during combat?" Sen-Goku asked.

"Because if that were the case, he'd cause destruction everywhere he went," Izuku answered. A light bulb went off in his head. "Of course!" he said, "If I can't use 20% for very long, then maybe I can for a split second when I use one of my attacks!" Sen-Goku smirked.

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