Chapter 56: Exile's Plot!

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Chapter 56: Exile's Plot

Izuku found himself in a dark room. He was unable to move. He saw a mysterious figure holding an unconscious Momo by the arms and also stepping on a dead, headless Kenshi. Izuku was horrified by what he was seeing. Suddenly, Kenshi's dismembered head turned to face Izuku. His eyes were missing and were bleeding, making it seem like he was crying blood.

"Why?!" he asked, "Why did you fail to save us?!"

Izuku tried to speak but no sound came out of his mouth. He tred to reach for kenshi only to see that he had no hands or feet, he was just a floating torso and head.

Kenshi and Momo disappeared.

Next in line was Katsuki. Half of his hair was missing, and so was his arm and leg. He limped his way to izuku.

"You failed us Deku!" he said, "You were supposed to be a true hero, but you let those villains beat us!!" Katsuki's body then crumbles to ashes as his words start to echo around Izuku.

Izuku was shocked. He tried to speak yet again, this time all he could manage was "Kaachan....."

An explosion tosses him into another room where Kirishima and Mina were. Kirishima's body was twisted at unnatural angles with blood dripping from all his joints and his teeth were gone. Mina was burning herself with her own acid, with part of her body being charred away and her flesh being burnt by the acid.

"You could've saved us, and yet you failed," Mina said. "You should have never gotten that quirk, Izuku!"

"Because of you, two of our friends are dead!!!" Kirishima shouted, "We trusted you, and you let us down!! You're no leader, you're just a failure, an unworthy!!!"

A shadowy figure approached him. It was Inko. She had hundreds of arrows going straight through her body, one through her heart, one through her head, all sticking out the other end, covering her in blood. "You couldn't save your mother....." she said, "I don't know why I ever supported you to be a hero!" She started to fade away, just like the others.

All Might approached him. His muscles were shrinking, and his face was beaten. "I picked you to be my successor..... But you failed," he said, "Because of you, I'm dying. The Symbol of Peace is no more because of your arrogance! You can never be a true hero! You were never worthy of One For All, I made a mistake ever thinking that you could be my successor. All you are is a pathetic, weak, good for nothing, idiot. And no son of mine could ever be like you."

He punched Izuku and he landed in an area that appeared to be his house. Izuku then turned to see Maruki and Kurumi. They had holes in their stomach with blood dripping out of them.

"Uncle.... Auntie...." Izuku said, scared.

"You piece of shit!" Kurumi shouted, "You promised you'd protect our daughter. But now look at her!" she slaps izuku on the face causing izuku to stumble back. "I should have never let you talk Ochako into becoming a hero. You are the reason all of this ever happened!!"

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