Part 3

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Voight POV:

"Doughnuts are downstairs if anyone wants any" I told the team in the locker room. I knew that would get them downstairs. I didn't want them to see who was coming up in five minutes. I go to my office to wait for her. I pick up her file and begin reading over it. I knew this was exactly the right person for the job, but I wanted to remind myself when she would be going on maternity leave in a few months. Five minutes later, the team was down stairs and the lady came up stairs. Her warm smile and bright outfit lit up the room with joy even with all the cases we have worked in the bullpen. She walks into my office. She looks the same as she did when she was seventeen. She has a blouse and pants to match with a doctor's white coat on. I greet her with a hug.



"How are you?"

"Good. How about you? What is this? Number three or four?"

"I can't keep count" she laughs nervously.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, I think coming here is definitely going to be a game changer."

"I wouldn't have you here if you or the team couldn't handle it"

"Yes, that's what I keep telling myself, but I'm still nervous."


I knew her coming here was going to be challenging, but I think her experience and knowledge will benefit our cases in the long run.

To make her feel better, I added, "At least you're not going to be with us the whole time since you'll be in the lab a lot"

"Which I think will help, but I just don't know how Hailey and Kim will react to me working with them"

"Sara, or should I say Dr. Sara? It will be fine"

"Okay, well, I'm going to set up my lab. Call me when we have a case"

She left my office.

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