Part 64

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Adam POV:

It was a great day off. Harper was out of the hospital for a while, so we took Noah to meet his new cousin.

We arrived at Hailey and Jay's. We knocked on the door.

Jay: Hey, come in. Hailey is in the living room nursing Harper.

We walked into there house. It actually looks pretty clean.

Jay: Do you guys want something to drink?

Kim: We're good.

Kim and Noah went in the living room with Hailey while I said with Jay in the kitchen.

Adam: Hey, how is she doing?

Jay: She's okay during the day. It's at night when things go downhill.

Adam: How?

Jay: She gets up in the middle of the night. Cries in the nursery for two hours. Then she comes back to bed like nothing happened. She's been doing it the past month and a half.

Adam: Damn, I hate it for you guys.

Jay: Me too. She doesn't let Harper out of her sight except at night when she goes into the nursery. Harper still sleeps in our room. I thought after a week or two Hailey would let us use the nursery, but she don't let anyone in there.

Adam: That's rough.

Jay: Yeah, I don't think Hailey is going back to work anytime soon.

Adam: How long are they letting her be on maternity leave?

Jay: Not much longer.

Adam: So, is she quiting Intelligence?

Jay: I don't know. How are things going on your end?

Adam: Sara's not coming back to Chicago ever. She told me that when Noah is old enough, he could look her up.

Jay: Holy crap. That's not like her at all.

Adam: No, it's not. I'm not sure what happened while she was at her dad's, but it was rough.

Jay: Did Noah have any-

Adam: No, but Sara did.

Jay: Damn, he really does put a number on the women in his life.

Adam: Yeah. I just hate it for Noah. Kim is his mom, but Sara is his past.

Jay: I think Noah will be fine. He won't know anything different.

Adam: Oh, he also won't say Daddy. He says mommy, yes, milk, juice and everything else. So, whenever he needs anything he calls for Kim. I feel like chopped liver.

Jay: He'll say it soon I'm sure.

Adam: I hope so.

Noah runs up to Adam.

Noah: Adam, I'm thirsty.

Adam: Oh come on. 

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